Sunday, May 17, 2009

Janusz Korczak Muzzle on the Soul

The characters in this sequence are colorful and "on the road vintage" which located Henryk's heart" at the time.Wandering the city expanded Henryk's horizons and to serve him in good stead gaining insight into the suffering of the children.

Muzzle on the Soul
There were few who knew that Henryk Goldszmit was leading a double life. The medical student lived dutifully at home with his widowed mother, but his other self, Janusz Korczak, the tortured writer, prowled through the roughest slums of the city alone or in the company of Ludwik Licinski, a friend from the Flying University.
Four years Henryk´s senior, Licinski, a poet and ethnographer, was always on the road, giving as his full address: Warsaw. Like other writers in the Young Poland movement-as this fin de siècle literary group was called-he delighted in attacking the materialism of the bourgeoisie, whom they looked on as philistines. Licinski would succumb at an early age to tuberculosis contracted during exile in Siberia, but at this time in his brief life, he was a good companion for Henryk, who "felt he was dying in his tiny apartment with his overprotective mother." At night they wandered the sandy banks ofthe Vistula River, celebrated the name days ofprostitutes, and got drunk on "stinking" vodka." He could play on those people´ s heartstrings in the most subtle way," Licinski recalled. "The murderer Lichtarz told him: "I would give my soul for you."
Zofia Nalkowska came along one night during her "last fling" before marriage to Leon Rygier
. She drank vodka from the bottle, kissed the mistress of a laundry owner, and enjoyed flirting with Licinski, who was hopelessly in love with her. Henryk felt a sense of liberation in this rough quarter too-but of a different kind. His soul, which was "howling like a dog," was being unleashed.
"I dreamed I was a poodle," Janek (a diminutive of Janusz) begins the semi-autobiographical novel that Henryk was writing at this time. "My coat was shaved. I felt somewhat cold in that attire, but knowing my master was pleased with me, I wagged my tail merrily and gazed devotedly into his eyes. . . . I had no fleas, worries or responsibilities. However, I had to be obedient and faithful while demonstrating the intelligence that is expected of a poodle."
The poodle is undone when a passerby looks at him with pity instead of admiration, his eyes saying: "This dog has a muzzle on his soul." Totally demoralized, the poodle can neither eat nor sleep, and reaches a point of such disorientation that he bites his master's hand. He is about to be shot when the author wakes up from his dream.
The book, Child of the Drawing Room, is about awakening. Janek realizes he has slept through his life trying to conform to his parents´ idea of what he should be. Feeling suicidal, as if he has "lost his soul," he leaves home with a snarl at his mother and father: "Get off my back! Get off-or I´ll bite!"
He manages to sublet the tenth bed in a room already occupied by the families of a factory locksmith and horse-carriage driver, spends his last kopeck at a bar, panhandles on the street, and follows a prostitute home. But he has no interest in seducing her. "Tell me a story" he asks, as they lie together in bed. "You're boring," is her response. "I feel sorry for you," he says, hogging all the covers as he relates the plan that he and his friend Stash once had to rehabilitate prostitutes.

Chambers of the Deep Hazardous Journey

More than 10 hours of descent in the most cautious manner. It was a complete exhaustion for the scouts to reach bottom.The plain metal door was so ingeniously controlled by a superior technologyso superb irrespective of thwe time era.

The journey down was more treacherous than anticipated with each step
creating a bellowing of settled dust that had to measure several inches thick on
each tread(trinn). Between each minor dust storm, the pungent odors of mildew,
slime cover treads beneath the dust, and stale air, the journey was a hazardous
one. The main fear was the possibility of choking by the dust and slipping on
the stair edges
. The protruded (fremstikkende)slabs did provide some aid at
interval steps but was only adaptable for one man at a time while the other
stood on the inadequately ledged (avsats)platform. Water to wash down the dust
in their throats would have been worth all of the gold at Fort Knox and it was a
matter of concern if such a descent was to be completed, with its depth and
destination totally unknown. The thought that originally crossed two of the
minds in the beginning was the possible fact that this descent was not of any
great distance and perhaps in the translation, it could have been a tomb room
just opposite the King's Chamber
Thirst could not be satisfied by the
sipping of bourbon, for if so, and one sipped more than he should, the effects
of the liquor could have created disastrous results with a simple fall on the
staircase. If a fall and injury occurred, it may take days or even weeks to get
out of this devil's den and a serious injury could be fatal without any medical
aid, water or food. Therefore, this descent was one of extreme caution and as a
matter of record, each step with the wait for the dust to resettle took more
than three minutes. This downward journey into the abyss of who knew where, was
one bad experience in which they was hopeful of never occurring again. This
descent took more than ten hours and an even greater apprehension was that these
steps had to be retraced back to the secret opening
The climb down put these
three scouts in such a complete state of exhaustion, by the time they reached
the bottom, they had neither the intent nor desire to ever attempt the climb
back up -ever.
At the bottom of this winding and jagged staircase 10 hours
later (which could only be described as extremely treacherous (farlig)and a
death defying attempt on one's life), they came to a small foyer(entre), laden
with many inches of dust on its marble smooth floor
. This foyer contained one
rock bench or a protrusion slab similar to those at each 57th step level, a
roughly cut set of walls, an arched ceiling resembling a large half of a barrel
shell, and one heavy gauge metal door.
This door had no jam, sill or hardware.
It was a plain metal door that had all the appearances of sliding upwards in the
side grooves provided in the limestone walls.
How this was to be opened remained
another mystery and none of the three men had the strength to even think or
hazard a number of guesses. Fortunately, the thought did arise that such a
closure might operate in the same manner as the sliding block at the
A verbal key and tone vibration had to be the only possible answer,
for if these key words opened the sliding rock at the top, it should, by the
same token(likeledes), open the bottom. Two incredibly long hours passed by with
no success using the same words and verbal tone. The recording used had many
variations but all had failed their experimental tries. They reverted to the
process of even reversing the tape and in doing so, one very slight movement was
noticed but if the door actually moved, it could not have been more than a tiny
fraction of the inch. Suddenly it occurred to Abouu that since we were now at
the opposite end of this passage, the reversal of the words should have been
used - in the same tone vibration. Using the words 'Urim,' meaning light or
revelation for the main stone, the reversal of this should be injected at this
Another dozen tries revealed nothing until one member simply mumbled the
word Genesis and apparently he struck it correctly. The giant metal door slowly
started on its upward movement - to the complete astonishment of all
The sound was that of a motor hum, although there were no visible
motors or electricity. Thus if a motorized operation was its only means of
movement, it had to be hidden above the door or the coiling of that room or
foyer. It was now evident that once inside, this door should re-open by
replaying the words that opened the stone at the entrance. If and when they ever
reached the top of those stairs, more trials and tribulations could befall them
if they were wrong in their theories of reversed words or its re-arrangements of
the same. Whatever device these builders used in this construction, the
technologies were not only superb but also totally ingenious, regardless of the
time era.

Chambers of the Deep and Pitch black darkness

These were explorers and human doubt as they were beset with dire possible entombment was foremost on their minds.The rectangular stairs covered a depth of 980 ' divisible by 7. Each set of stairs contained 57 steps with a small platform at the end provided against the outer wall, a scant slab or bench. WHY?

Chambers of the Deep Project

Once you have entered through the opening created by this sliding stone block,
you stand in pitch-blackness and observe a silence that is unmatched by a normal
or abnormal circumstance. Once you have become adjusted to such a strange
experience and know you are entombed, perhaps forever, your first reaction is a
desperate and panic-stricken urge to get out, breathe fresh air and leave this
imprisoning seclusion to another generation. During that first hour of examining
the inner side of the block, the verbal key words and the Identical tonepitch
were used over and over but to no avail. Such an experience to anyone would
create an inward fear that once there, there was no return to the outside world.
In such a darkness, even with the aid of three flash lights, you are immediately
struck by an intense claustrophobia which is only matched by the pungent odors
of mildew(bittter lukt av mugg), slime and a near-choking dust formation, that
when disturbed, floats around you in billowing clouds that tend to close off
whatever air there might be left to breathe.
This point of entry was not too
far from the built in air shafts of the Pyramid and an airway had to inwardly
extend to this stairway, for if this were not the case, life could not have been
sustained longer than the amount of air admitted when the opening was created.
Even though no trace of air movement could be detected, there was air, but not
of the freshest of scents(lukt). It was breathable only when the dust clouds
were kept at an absolute minimum, which was totally impossible. At
this point,
of even a short confinement (innesperring), you begin to entertain thoughts that
no hidden tomb could be worth such an effort and sacrifice of one's initiative
and if the bottom of this stair case did lead to a tomb as indicated on those
found scrolls, it just might be empty of these historical documents
, for if we
found such an opening, surely others before us could have done the very same -
and this expedition could be in vain with three lives lost until some posterity
(ettertid)of the advanced future. Your second thoughts become an even greater
reality when the flashes of light reveal the sheer narrowness of the passage,
the steep descent and the jagged walls of the limestone
These stairs formed
a rectangular design over a large area within the core of the Pyramid and
carried you to a depth of approximately 980 feet (also divisible by the magical
seven) from the point of entry,
which was located 470 feet above the ground.
This crudely cut passageway only measured a scant (knapt) 29 inches in width
with a headroom barely more than six feet. Each complete set of stairs contained
57 steps and at the end of the 57th, a small platform was provided and against
the outer wall, one scant slab (plate-)bench, barely large enough to seat one
thin man.
Why these stabs were provided remains a mystery for surely they were
not designed as a resting-place in an area where no one was ever expected to
travel. The only scientific value it could have had was some sort of an inner
support or it had something to do with the original construction of such a

Chambers of the Deep James Hurtak Pyramids AtlantisII entrapped?

Were they entrapped on the inner staircase . This was the secret passage and that thought had to be immediately expunged. They had no food,water, or emergency kits. The possibility of being sealed up forever was viable, though. Each in turn examined the unusual sliding stone,and it was apparently not mechanical per se. There was no way to detect the means of its movement.

In the center bottom of the stone, there was a groove cut. Electronic devices could not be ruled out for it could have been hidden at some inner portion behind the second terrace in. The mystery remains to this day.I much enjoyed the following comment I am about to summarize as to the technological ans scientific progress of our ancient forbears and the paltry showing (shabby) of this "modern age".

  1. many secrets of our ancient past remain well guarded

  2. Atlantis was a continent of great technologies

  3. they had embraced successfully the following knowledge: (whence did they derive?)

  • unusual electronics

  • teleportation

  • thermo nuclear energy

  • liquid light power without the use of electricity

  • unseen power of mercury

  • art of levitation through sound vibrations

Such a stone remains a dark secret but if explained a simple fact of scientific logic.

The great stone block had now completed its 49-second cycle and the chosen
three were entrapped within the Pyramid's secret passage, not actually knowing
what they had done, why they had done this, and where such a narrow staircase
would lead. They also had the sudden realization they had no food, water, extra
batteries or the smallest of first aid kits for arising emergencies. To prevent
a creeping illness of their conscious mind, all of these thoughts had to be
immediately dismissed and since they were now entrapped on this inner staircase,
there was only one choice and one direction.
These three entertained verbally
what they were thinking which led them to expound on the idea that perhaps this
stone would not open again by the same verbal tone and especially from the
reverse position. They did envision the possibility of being sealed up forever
and a day and the fruits of their labor being in vain. Here, on this darkened
and dust filled staircase, they wondered if these 40 years of research would pay
off and would they be the benefactors of this unknown discovery.
The passage
chamber was narrow, steep and the walls were of jagged cut stone. One wrong move
against the sides could cut a man as quickly as that of coral rock - and be even
more infectious with the excessive dust, mildew (mugg)and a germ count ranging
into the trillions. Once inside they knew what was so desperately needed to
continue such a journey. For one thing, a flask of bourbon would help wash the
dust from their mouths; additional batteries; candy bars for extra energy,
water, a camera and search lights that could pierce the constant dust
Nearly an hour passed at the top of these stairs with each taking his
turn examining this unusual sliding stone. From all that could be learned, this
block was not mechanical per se.
There were no tracks, hydraulic plungers,
wheels, chains, rope, electrical wiring or magnetic force, visible or
non-visible. There was no way anyone could detect the means of this
The only unusual finding, and this was almost impossible to
determine due to the position the men were in and the cramped space, was one
groove cut in the center bottom of the stone. If there was some sort of an under
carriage, it could not be detected. As far as the possibility of electronic
devices were concerned, this too could not be ruled out for it could have been
hidden at some inner portion behind the second terrace (rekke) in. Therefore,
its operation remains a mystery to this day.
Looking at this situation on a
scientific basis, many secrets of our ancient past remain a well guarded secret
and these people, who once inhabited a continent of great technologies, did know
the intricate details of unusual electronics, teleportation, thermonuclear
energy, liquid light power (without the use of electricity), the unseen power of
mercury and the art of levitation through sound vibrations.
With this firmly
planted within your mind, such a sliding stone remains a deep and darkened
secret but if explained, it would become simple facts of scientific logic.