Thursday, July 12, 2012

Alduous Huxley The Doors of Perception

First of all your a COMPLETE MORON. AND deserve to be a slave or an indentured serf for the rest of your life and your familys life... Do the research on what the so called elites have done to the common people through out history. By the way Aldous huxley was a member of the Tavistock society and had great disdain for the common people.. To answer you question on why its a problem to be an elitist... You have to be a MURDERING SOCIOPATH...

 So little really changes over time, we are no closer to finding and actually following through on universally beneficial solutions to hunger, poverty and violence, despite all our technology, money, resources, laws, rules, schools, we are stranded still in the miseries of Huxley's decadant brazen World. Now worse, we spend more on milititary and police projects and less on education today, in reciprocal arrangement to spending during Orwell's Days. (Video 2)

 Huxley came from a famous family but elitest, he hung around in intellectual circles of whom most believed in a form of socialism.. be it unlike Orwell they were'nt living with the great unwashed, also its the Bloomsberry Set not Tavistock Set, he then went to America + again associated with fellow writers intellectuals in America but elitest, he could have lived in the family pile but lived fairly humbly considering his family background.  (Video 3)

Sybille Bedford Biographer

Alduous Huxley The Doors of Perception

Alduous Huxley The Ultimate Revolution

Aldous Huxley author of Brave New World speaking at U.C. Berkeley in 1962. Aldous Huxley uses this speaking opportunity to outline his vision for the 'ultimate revolution', a scientific dictatorship where people will be conditioned to enjoy their servitude, and will pose little opposition to the 'ruling oligarchy', as he puts it. He also takes a moment to compare his book, "Brave New World," to George Orwell's "1984" and considers the technique in the latter too outdated for actual implementation.

"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." -- Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

Alduous Huxley video enslavement of the Future

Thank god for aldous huxley... he really tried to warn us... But not because he was a genius. He knew what was around the corner through his secret society The Fabian Society. Orwell came from this place too. They knew what was on the agenda by the powers that be and their families, who are sadly the same ppl today shepherding us and our opinions.

ilsy74 1 month ago


 I'm afraid I don't think Huxley gets at all specific enough in his criticisms of the United States. I see where he's going but he still remains very general. I wouldn't say this is a great interview by any means and it's not Mike Wallace's fault. He really puts Aldous in the spotlight and Aldous doesn't really come through with sufficient details.

cutis1000 1 month ago

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Excellent insight into the evolution of more and more refined (and less and less coercive) types of totalitarian states

atrios28 1 month ago