Thursday, February 19, 2009

authorblog: Concrete Proof

authorblog: Concrete Proof

Summi Pontificatus Unity of Human Society

In this Papal letter Pius explores the following themes,antithetical to the Nazi ideology of race :

  • Unity of Human Society

  • Solidarity and charity

  • The Totalitarian state

What we think of as "advanced thinking" in our insensitive age", he stated as a principle to a deaf world .what amazing courage to write this in the wake of the Nazi invasion of Poland extolling the equality of all cultures ,that none are inferior or superior, and that different levels of development within and between nations are an enrichment to them. All men and women are truly brothers and sisters in the richness and variegation of their cultures

Charity extinguishes hatred !

Note this quote:

But there is yet another error no less pernicious to the well-being of the nations and to the prosperity of that great human society which gathers together and embraces within its confines all races. It is the error contained in those ideas which do not hesitate to divorce civil authority from every kind of dependence upon the Supreme Being--First Source and absolute Master of man and of society--and from every restraint of a Higher Law derived from God as from its First Source. Thus they accord the civil authority an unrestricted field of action that is at the mercy of the changeful tide of human will, or of the dictates of casual historical claims, and of the interests of a few.[7]

Other points made:

  • Family has priority before the state

  • Totalitarianism is a threat to peace

  • It breaks the unity of supra national society

  • Leads to violations of others' rights

  • Impedes peaceful intercourse of nations

  • The German attack on Poland is condemned specifically and applauded by the allies.

This encyclical incorporates elements of "Humani Generis Unitas" against racism and anti semitism composed by several Jesuits. Pius XI declined publishing it in 1938 because of anti Judaic and anti Rabbinic language. That letter could be misunderstood by the faithful and perverted by pro Axis powers.Should the new Pope Pius XII have published the encyclical letter of his predecessor? The next post on Humani Generis Unitas and Mit Brennender Sorge.

Quemamodum The world's destitute children

Pius' main concern after the war was to provide help and comfort for the child refugees starving and destitute in the war's aftermath.He authored the encyclical Quemamodum. He was sensitive (spiritually) and could not help but envision the pictures he created in this encyclical.

They are uncertain wanderers uprooted and victimized by cruelty and the sins of omission of that generation. I can see them in my mind's eye drifting about as vagrants uncertainly and aimless in the streets of the cities. The sins of omission are a grave and severe indictment before God, especially in this matter.Liberality is never a loss but a gain in the sight of God, he so wrote. This pontiff had aid organizations but the task was too immense and he appealed to the world.

We almost seem to see with Our own eyes the vast hosts of children weakened or at death's door through starvation. They hold out their little hands asking for bread "and there is no one to break it unto them" Without home, without clothing, they shiver in the winter cold and die. And there are no fathers or mothers to warm and clothe them. Ailing, or even in the last stages of consumption, they are without the necessary medicines and medical care. We see them, too, passing before Our sorrowful gaze, wandering through the noisy city street, reduced to unemployment and moral corruption, or drifting as vagrants uncertainly about the cities, the towns, the countryside, while no one - alas - provides safe refuge for them against want, vice and crime. [2]