Sunday, February 8, 2009
Julius Obsequens was a Roman writer who is believed to have lived in the middle of the fourth century AD. The only work associated with his name is the Liber de prodigiis (Book of Prodigies), completely extracted from an epitome, or abridgment, written by Livy; De prodigiis was constructed as an account of the wonders and portents that occurred in Rome between 249 BC-12 BC.

The work was first printed by the Venetian humanist, Aldus Manutius, in 1508, after a manuscript belonging to Jodocus of Verona (now lost). Of great importance was the edition by the Basle Humanist Conrad Lycosthenes (1552), trying to reconstruct lost parts and illustrating the text with wood-cuts. Later editions were printed by F. Oudendorp (Leyde, 1720) and O. Jahn (1853, with the periochae of Livy).

A curious, if not important, aspect of Obsequens' work are the references made to unidentified flying objects (UFOs). For the year 100 BC, for example, Obsequens writes:

"When C. Murius and L. Valerius were consuls, in Tarquinia towards sunset, a round object, like a globe, a round or circular shield, took its path in the sky from west to east."

For the year 91 BC, he reports that:

"At Aenariae, while Livius Troso was promulgating the laws at the beginning of the Italian war, at sunrise, there came a terrific noise in the sky, and a globe of fire appeared burning in the north. In the territory of Spoletum, a globe of fire, of golden color, fell to the earth gyrating. It then seemed to increase in size, rose from the earth and ascended into the sky, where it obscured the sun with its brilliance. It revolved toward the eastern quadrant of the sky."

From the article above wonders and portents occured in Rome as depicted in the picture attached (work of art). These signs and portents occured between 249-12 BC. Note carefully what this art work depicts. Yes we have another visitation as the above article states?

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