Monday, February 16, 2009

Soho project the homeless put back to work

Homelessness in America and around the world has so many facets and is so all encompassing withs causes and reverberations. One of its many tentacles reaches out to our community as the crisis of unemployment hits hard especially in Ohio and other places. This employee is a hiree worker of the Soho project at a job most wouldn't take. They would cry 'demeaning'. Personal dignity is anything but demeaning and little acts, little gestures, and "little jobs" bolster dignity.

1 comment:

  1. Some people fail to realize that the "demeaning" jobs still need to get done. All can't be in the middle or upper class. I'm glad for the Soho project. These days of hardship make people like me in the middle class face the question of how I would respond if I lost my job or house. Would there be jobs I would feel too good for? At my age, how would I feel to work at Starbucks and have to clean the bathroom walls or floor?
