Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sphinx Hall of Records

The Sphinx hall of records linked above is part of the repository of the Akashic records:

Quote:The metaphysical Hall of Records is allegedly a library buried under the Great Sphinx of Giza, which is in the Giza pyramid complex. It is rumored to house the knowledge of the Egyptians in papyrus scrolls, much as the Great Library of Alexandria housed Grecian knowledge. There is debate as to whether the Hall actually exists or not, but all excavation in the area has so far yielded little or no results.

Finding sacred knowledge is from multiple vantages : Quote

The object of finding any object, the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, the Akashic Records, Shambhala, Atlantis, etc. is about the quest to find sacred knowledge, the keys that will unlock the truth about reality - who are you? why are you here? what is your soul's purpose? The answer: We exist in a holographic projection, a bio genetic experiment in linear time and emotion, created by electromagnetic grids through which we virtually experience. The program will soon end having come full circle in the cycles of time. It's about knowledge.

Our holographic projection is phantasmagorical, or a surreal projection in linear and binding time, I might add and our experience is necessarily virtual and not the reality based experience and this will come full circle through spiritual growth. The objects above stand out in this evolving of our spiritual "education so to speak.

Though repeatedly denied by mainstream Egyptologists, the mythology of the Hall of Records is a popular one among those who hold alternative theories of Ancient Egypt while conducting scientific inquiry in the mysteries of that time. The sources on which this topic is based are not robust. The origins of the story about the "Hall of Records" are unknown, though the idea that there is a cavity around the sphinx dates back to Pliny. In Pliny's Natural History, he states that "[the Egyptians] are of the opinion that a King Harmais is buried

inside it."

My comment is merely this: Are the myths we hear based on a greater set of facts contained in the Akashic records for some of the select Master Souls to know? I am alluding to Thoth-Hermes in particular, to other "misunderstood" divine masters such as Jesus who became the Christ, Buddha, Zarathustra, etc. Who is king Harmais?

The psychic Edgar Cayce had several psychic reading of the Hall of Records. He claimed that in 1998 the Hall would be discovered and opened and humanity would move into a new era of prosperity. The history of the Earth would be found in the right shoulder of the Sphinx. Cayce also suggested that the opening would coincide with the Second Coming of Christ.

My comment: I have always wondered in a prolonged scrutiny about this new era coinciding with the Second Coming and the alluded to discovery of the Hall so coinciding.

Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, in "Message of the Sphinx" stated that American archeologists and the Egyptian government had in the past blocked investigations around the Sphinx, including attempts to locate any underground cavities. Bauval later wrote Secret Chamber in 1999. According to Bauval's research, Egyptian Antiquities granted an American team a license to search for the Hall of Records under the Sphinx. It is know that there are three passages around the Sphinx, two have unknown origin. One is a small dead-end nineteenth century shaft behind the head. Also, little holes in the body of the Sphinx may be related to its construction, but this is unknown.

Who constructed the Sphinx and for what purpose is my observation? Perhaps I will post on Hancock and Bauval .No, not perhaps, most assuredly I will. There is more to the world than in your philosophy, Horatio (Hamlet?)

According to some, the Hall was not the work of Ancient Egyptians at all but another society (this has ranged from advance prehistoric societies to a superior race of intelligent beings). Accordingly, this society sealed the Hall away with scrolls of their accumulated knowledge at about 10,500 BC - the last period of time when the constellation of Leo was located between the Sphinx's paws when it rose in the night sky. Skeptics have relegated such notions to be much like the supposed inhabitants of Atlantis in the Hellenic Myth. The study of and the search for the Hall may fall under the category of pseudoarchaeology, if such activity does not use methodology that is part of the established scientific method. Also of note, There are 2 other Hall of records located in and around Bimini and in the Yukatan jungle, most likely the ruins of Piedras Negras.

A superior race of intelligent beings no longer present in this leaden age? Atlantean? From other worlds ? UFO connections? Two other Halls of Records?

1 comment:

  1. Anything is possible. I am open to any truth. There was a time I was into theosophy. But I don't put much effort into learning about theories now. I grew up in church, and in the 34,000 sects of Christianity, everyone had their opinion that they were right. So I have backed off believing in my version of the world and its forces. I am an observer, and I try to listen. The main thing, for me, is to treat people with respect and love. Beyond that, there aren't very many absolutes I believe in.
