below is Teresa Schroeder's letter asking for donations for her healing. The medicinal plant Sanago is considered by Infinite Light Peru as part of her healing process with diet. She recognizes the spiritual and emotional components of her being quadriplegic through a snowboarding injury and recognizes the holistic healing regimen. She has chosen holistic plant medicines therapy and the plant series has been integral in rewiring her nervous system. she has self perceived her injury as a spiritual crippling and crisis bringing the physical body down. The view of bodily ailments and disease as spiritually connected and caused was accepted by the ancients as a "given" of long standing. The opportunity offered to Teresa was gifted by Meghan and Eluco at Infinite Light Peru. The Sanago plant and its curative capability are topics I would like much to know about and explore. We are just beginning to venture on a frontier of knowledge known in the past and to only a few
adepts today. Note that Meghan's meeting with Teresa in Iquitos at the hotel was not a fortuitous occurence but "divinely " arranged. Meghan met her in Iquitos and she was thinking, if I meet them,then this is where I am supposed to be.
My name is Teresa and I am a 25 years old young woman on a journey to walk
again. Four years ago I sustained quadriplegia, a full-bodied paralysis, in
result of a snowboarding injury. I have chosen a path of holistic healing, which
has left me a humbled student of plant medicines. Doing so, I am witnessing a
series of plants rewiring the nervous system, teaching my body how to act as a
whole again.
Meghan and Eluco have gifted me an opportunity to heal at
Infinite Light Peru, dieting with the medicinal plant Sanango. I will address
spiritual and emotional components, affecting my physicality by releasing
trauma. This is incredible, for in my deepest belief, this is not solely an
injury, but a spiritual crippling and crisis, which then brought my body down
with it. I invite you to follow this story, as I begin to walk again, at Please read the blog.
inability to work, leaves me dependent upon the generosity of others. Every
little bit goes a long way. I deeply appreciate any support.
With gratitude,
peace and love,
Teresa Schroeder
Teresa is an amazing young women we met in Iquitos, in some Divine flow like I rarely have seen. She was already familiar with the Ayahuasca medicine, and the Sanago (the plant that moves through the physical body, releasing trapped, cold energy and basically re-awaken the system) had been calling her for awhile. Her caretaker and friend, Alesha, had done research on several places to work with the plants, and my name was one of two physically written in her journal upon arrival in Iquitos. She thought to herself, ´if I meet either of these people, it is where I´m supposed to be.´ Within five minutes waiting in the lobby of their hotel, I walk in (remember I´m only in Iquitos a few days out of the month) as the owner passes me, and I hear ´You´re friends are waiting to talk to you.´ The Divine force behind this makes me think there is something possibly revolutionary going on here. I´m sure there has been very little research into healing quadriplegia with plant medicine, and the impact if it´s success could change many people´s lives. I believe Teresa is an angel working to bridge this for those working through the physical turmoil.