Monday, March 16, 2009

Margaret Atwood , the eternal in myth, enochian keys


Myths can be refashioned to the present and with this I concur. But certain of them have hidden kernels and an eternality about them that spans the ages. Once discovered they have vast ripples in the waters.
March 17, 2009 2:54 AM

Such was my comment on the blog. Myths are the footprints of civilizations with the lost keys that went defunct such as Atlantis , and the loss of the Enochian keys.some have picked up the traces and wrote of them: Plato and Bacon to my memory. Indigneous cultures are perhaps remnants of a powerful collective subconscious as such as once was and faintly reverberates in our time (SIC).
Atwood reinvents myth with an agenda in the present,it so seems, such as in her novella the Penelopiad:
The Penelopiad is a novella by Margaret
. It was published in 2005 as part of the
first set of books in the
Canongate Myth Series where
contemporary authors rewrite ancient
myths. In The Penelopiad, Penelope reminisces on the events
during the
Odyssey, life in Hades, Odysseus, Helen, and her relationships with
her parents. A
chorus of the twelve maids, whom
Odysseus believed were disloyal and whom
Telemachus hanged, interrupt
Penelope's narrative to express their view on events. The maids' interludes use
a new genre each time, including a
jump-rope rhyme, a lament, an idyll, a ballad, a lecture, a court trial
and several types of songs. While admittedly point of view and reminiscence itself on Odyssey events are done to form perspectives and insights on a narrative. The mythos itself is larger than a local set of perspectives or those of any one individual and is transcendent of their perspectives.Myths transfer beyond the present time frame and that is what defines them, gives them an aura of translucency for the human race.

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