Thursday, March 12, 2009

Safe rules of Catholic Exegesis of Holy Texts Pius XII and Divino Afflante Spiritu

This papal encyclical celebrates and reinforces Leo XIII's Providentissimus Deus and also the biblical studies commission founded in 1902 and the school for biblical studies at St Stephen's Jerusalem. Papal recognition by Pius of further advances in Archaeology and historical research made necessary a further definition of the study of the bible to update his predecessor's progress and efforts acknowledging the same. This illustrates to me the need for vigilance in updating revelation in sync with critical methods now in vogue bot only accepting them in piecemeal fashion in what securely accords with safe and critical methodologies of relying on original texts and languages. The times demand more thorough exposition of these texts, and so it is today that these safe rules of "Catholic exegesis" need expansion and further amplification.

Through Paragraph 5 of Papal Encyclical of Pius XII DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU

This teaching, which Our Predecessor Leo XIII set forth with such
solemnity, We also proclaim with Our authority and We urge all to adhere to it
religiously. No less earnestly do We inculcate obedience at the present day to
the counsels and exhortations which he, in his day, so wisely enjoined. For
whereas there arose new and serious difficulties and questions, from the
wide-spread prejudices of rationalism and more especially from the discovery and
investigation of the antiquities of the East, this same Our Predecessor, moved
by zeal of the apostolic office, not only that such an excellent source of
Catholic revelation might be more securely and abundantly available to the
advantage of the Christian flock, but also that he might not suffer it to be in
any way tainted, wished and most earnestly desired "to see an increase in the
number of the approved and persevering laborers in the cause of Holy Scripture;
and more especially that those whom Divine Grace has called to Holy Orders,
should day-by-day, as their state demands, display greater diligence and
industry in reading, meditating and explaining it."[10]
5. Wherefore the same Pontiff, as he had already praised and approved the
school for biblical studies, founded at St. Stephen's, Jerusalem
, by the Master
General of the Sacred Order of Preachers - from which, to use his own words,
"biblical science itself had received no small advantage, while giving promise
of more"[11] - so in the last year of his life he provided yet another way, by
which these same studies, so warmly commended in the Encyclical Letter
Providentissimus Deus, might daily make greater progress and be pursued with the
greatest possible security. By the Apostolic Letter Vigilantiae, published on
October 30 in the year 1902, he founded a Council or Commission
, as it is
called, of eminent men, "whose duty it would be to procure by every means that
the sacred texts may receive everywhere among us that more thorough exposition
which the times demand, and be kept safe not only from every breath of error,
but also from all inconsiderate opinions."[12] Following the example of Our
Predecessors, We also have effectively confirmed and amplified this Council
using its good offices, as often before, to remind commentators of the Sacred
Books of those safe rules of Catholic exegesis,
which have been handed down by
the Holy Fathers and Doctors of the Church, as well as by the Sovereign Pontiffs

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