Friday, June 26, 2009

(“The Education of the Child”) Tanya

"Educate the child -Its esoteric meaning in explication in Tanya

The verse explicated in Torah “Educate the child according to his way: even as he grows old he will not depart from it.” is related to the child's initial intellectual discovery of the love of G-d as experienced by the understanding of the unity of G-d. These teachings derive from inspiration,sacred books and heavenly teachers whose souls are in Eden. I suspect those teachers are Tzaddikim among other heavenly sources and the books refer to the works of the Maharal and the Shelah and the teachers allude to the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mezritch. Based on the first paragraph of the recitation of the Shema and the sentence beginning 'Baruch shem'. The significance of the Shema is explained in Zohar 6 and allude respectively to yichuda ila‘ah (the higher level of perception of G‑d’s Unity) and yichuda tata’ah (the lower level of perception of G‑d’s Unity). (QUOTE) Part two of Tanya revolves around this theme.

All of this material is germane in deciphering the esotericism of the education of the child.

Likutei Amarim (“A Compilation of Teachings”) Part Two [whose introduction
hereunder is] entitled1
Chinuch Katan (“The Education of the Child”)
Compiled from sacred
books and from teachers of heavenly saintliness,
whose souls are in Eden;
This mention of his sources echoes the words of the
Alter Rebbe in the title page to Part One of Tanya. The Previous Rebbe, the
Rebbe Rayatz, of blessed memory, notes in one of his talks that “books” here
traditionally refers to the works of the Maharal and the Shelah, and “teachers”,
to the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mezritch.
based on the first
of the Recitation of the Shema:
This first paragraph contains both the verse beginning4
Shema Yisrael and the sentence beginning
Baruch shem. As explained in the Zohar,
these quotations refer respectively to yichuda ila‘ah (the higher level of
perception of G‑d’s Unity) and yichuda tata’ah (the lower level of perception of
G‑d’s Unity). It is around this theme that Part Two of Tanya revolves.
* *
חנוך לנער על פי דרכו, גם כי יזקין לא יסור ממנה
7“Educate the child according to
his way: even as he grows old he will not depart from it.”

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