The museums and parks are graveyards above the ground- congealed memories of the past that act as a pretext for reality.
Robert Smithson (1938-1973) artist best known for his land art
Online research catalogues
New catalogue
Enkomi – Ancient Cyprus in the British Museum
A catalogue of 1,800 objects from the Late Bronze Age town of Enkomi on Cyprus.
This is the first part of a catalogue that will eventually include the Museum's entire collection of objects from Ancient Cyprus
Ancient Cyprus in the British Museum
Russian Icons in the British Museum
An online research catalogue devoted to the British Museum's collection of 72 Russian icons dating from the fifteenth through to the early twentieth century.
Russian icons in the British Museum
the british museum houses a vast collection of world art and artifacts, numbering more than seven million objects, making them amongst the largest and most comprehensive collections in the world, illustrating and documenting the story of human culture from its beginning to the present. one of the best things about the museum is that it is free and open to all! london. may 2001
Research Projects
Research projects
Research Publications
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Research projects
British Museum staff are constantly engaged in research projects all over the world. They range from fieldwork to object cataloguing and scientific investigation.
View the location of the research projects on the map below
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Research projects in alphabetical order
A.W. Franks and A.Way archive project (The)
Amara West, Sudan
Ancient Human Occupation of Britain project
Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Ringlemere, Kent
Application of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) to the study of painted surfaces (The)
Archaeological iron
Archaeology of ritual in Gupta India: Udayagiri and the establishment of the gods (The)
Ashurbanipal Library Phase 1
Berber-Abidiya archaeological project (The)
British printed images to 1700
British Museum Siraf project
Catalogue of drawings by Rembrandt and his circle
Catalogue of the Collections of Sir Aurel Stein in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Part 2)
Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum. Cylinder Seals IV. the Second Millennium BC (Continued from Cylinder Seals III.)
Catalogue of Visigothic artefacts from Spain and Southern France in the British Museum
Chairman Mao badges
Chinese painting
Cnidus (Return to)
Coins from Butrint: Numismatic research on archaeological excavation
Coins from the Anglo-American Project in Pompeii
Conservation and redisplay of the Nebamun Wall paintings (The)
Corpus of Etruscan Mirrors (Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum)
Cosmetic Grinders
Cyprus digitisation project
Doctoral Research in Portable Antiquities Scheme data and Roman Britain
Domuztepe project
Dunhuang Textiles in the UK
East Leicestershire Hoards (Iron Age and Roman) (The)
Egyptian – Greek relations at Daphnae (Nile Delta)
Egyptian stelae in the British Museum from the thirteenth to seventeenth dynasties
Establishing a methodology for the care and conservation of the Orthodox icons collection at the British Museum
Establishment of museums in colonial East Africa and their transformation after independence (The)
Etruscan by definition
Excavation in Egypt at Tell el-Balamun
Excavations at Grimes Graves
Finds of Roman gold coins in Britain
Forum Novum/Vescovio
Gold, textiles, trade, history and identity in Mali and Ghana
Gold glass in late antiquity: the British Museum collection (Doctoral research)
Good Impressions: image and authority in medieval seals
Greek and Roman surgical instruments and medical objects in the British Museum
Hundred Years of Dunhuang, 1907-2007 (A)
Inca ushnus: landscape, site and symbol in the Andes
Indian Temple: Production, Place and Patronage (The)
Interventive conservation of black-dyed organic materials
Investigation and application of laser (The)
Iron Age mirrors
Iron Age pottery and society in East Anglia
Italian Renaissance ceramics, a catalogue of the British Museum’s collection
Jewellery in the age of Victoria: a social and cultural history
Kanga and other printed textiles of eastern and southern Africa
Kom Firin, Egypt
Late Antique Hagr Edfu (Settling the cemeteries)
Masson Project
Melanesian art: objects, narratives and indigenous owners
MENCAWAR [Mediterranean Network for Cataloguing and Web fruition of Ancient artworks and inscriptions]: Cataloguing the ancient South Arabia collection in the British Museum
Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project: Amri to Kirbekan Survey (AKS)
Merv, Turkmenistan
Money in Africa
Naukratis: the Greeks in Egypt
Nimrud bowls (The)
Ottoman Science in the 19th Century
Poor man’s silver? Pewter tableware: its function, significance and contribution to our understanding of life in Roman Britain
Pottery bowls from Miletos
Qing ceramics
Ramesseum Papyri (The)
Reassessment of the uses and limitations of numismatic evidence in the study of the societies of late Pre-Roman Iron Age Britain (Collaborative Doctoral Award with Birkbeck College, University of London (A)
Roman provincial coinage
Roman shipwreck project
Runnymede Research Excavations volume 3
Sasanian coin project
Sidon excavations
Snettisham Iron Age hoards: technology and analysis
Star of Bethlehem – A journey through science and art (The)
Synthesis and analysis of Portable Antiquities Scheme and Treasure data
Technologies of Enchantment: Early Celtic Art in Britain
Tell es-Sa‘idiyeh Excavations
Tribal transitions: cultural change in Arunachal Pradesh
The Paul Hamlyn Library
The Paul Hamlyn Library, the Museum's public reference library is generously supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and is located next to Room 2. It is open to all visitors.
The library has been temporarily relocated from the Museum's Reading Room to a room within the building which was the fifth Reading Room in the history of the Museum and in use from 1829 to 1838.
Among the well-known people who used this room were politician and historian Thomas Babington Macaulay, novelist William Thackeray, the poet Robert Browning, Italian nationalist Giuseppe Mazzini and naturalist Charles Darwin. Novelist, Charles Dickens also studied here, and told his biographer John Forster that his days in this reading room were the most useful he had ever passed.
There are 36 reader seats in the Paul Hamlyn Library and one third of the books are openly available on the open shelves. The rest of the stock is delivered to readers at their desks on request.
Books may not be borrowed from the library, but are available for reference during opening hours.
This 18,000 volume library aims to help visitors find out more about the Museum’s collection and the cultures represented. The subject-matter is very wide-ranging, including archaeology, history, art, numismatics, Egyptology, classical antiquities, oriental art, and museum studies.
The library catalogue can be consulted at terminals in the reading room, along with many specialist websites, and visitors can also see Highlights, the Museum’s object database.
Children’s books, family trails and backpacks, and resources for teachers are all available in the Paul Hamlyn Library. The library also hosts regular storytelling sessions for schoolchildren.
Photocopying facilities are available.
Opening times:
10.00 – 17.30 Saturday – Wednesday10.00 – 20.30 Thursday12.00 – 20.30 Friday
The Museum’s Central Archive may be accessed in the Paul Hamlyn Library, by appointment.
The Central library
The Central library is a general reference library primarily for museum staff, but also available to the public by appointment. It must be noted that the Central library is a library of last resort and can only admit users who need material not easily available elsewhere.
There is a core collection of around 16,000 books and 100 current journals, on a wide range of subjects, such as museology and collecting, archaeology, and scholarly reference works of interest to staff throughout the museum.
There is a large collection of works relating to the history of the British Museum, including old guides and synopses dating back to 1778, copies of Acts of Parliament, and even works of fiction that feature the museum.
We hold of copy of every BM publication, including back runs of periodicals, and a collection of ephemera relating to past exhibitions, including posters and postcards.
The Central Library’s collection also includes the rare books on loan from the House of Commons Library displayed in the Enlightenment Gallery.
Opening times:
Monday to Friday 10:00 – 17:00, staff permitting.
We have space for six readers.
Photocopying is available.
To arrange a visit, contact:
Joanna BowringHead of Libraries and InformationBritish MuseumGreat Russell StreetLondonWC1B 3DG
+44 (0)20 7323 8491
Online journals
The British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES) presents research on all aspects of ancient Egypt and Sudan
Read the journal
Bronze Age Review
An international journal of research dedicated to furthering understanding of the British and European Bronze Age
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British Museum Technical Research Bulletin
Publishing the results of collaborative work by the Museum's curators, conservators and scientists.
Research projects
Research Publications
Full list of publications
Online Research Publications
Online research catalogues
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Full list of Research Publications
This is the full list of Research Publications. Any titles marked with an asterisk are now out of print but a full set can be found in our library.
Please note that before April 2004, this series was called Occasional Papers.
For further information, please contact Josephine Turquet, Research Publications Editor,
172. European Visions: American Voices
Edited by Kim Sloan, 2009ISBN 978 086159 172 5
Online publication
171. Money in Africa
Edited by Catherine Eagleton, Harcourt Fuller and John PerkinsISBN 978 086159 171 8
Online publication
169. Chairman Mao Badges: Symbols and Slogans of the Cultural Revolution
Helen Wang, 2008ISBN: 978 0 86159 169 5
Online publication
167. Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon Glass in the British Museum
Vera I. Evison, edited by Sonja Marzinzik, with contributions from Ian C. Freestone, Michael J Hughes and Colleeen P. StapletonISBN 086159 167 1
Online publication
166. The Berthier-Delagarde Collection of Crimean Jewellery in the British Museum and Related Material
J. Andrási, with contributions by A. Aibabin, edited D. Kidd and B. Ager, 2007ISBN-13: 978 0 86159 166 4
Online publication
165. Etruscan Bucchero in the Collection of the British Museum
Philip Perkins, 2007ISBN-13: 978 0 86159 165 7
164. The Sphinx Revealed: A Forgotten Record of Pioneering Excavations
Patricia Usick and Deborah Manley, 2007ISBN 978 086159 164 0
163. The Ringlemere Cup: Precious Cups and the Beginning of the Channel Bronze Age
Stuart Needham, Keith Parfitt, Gill Varndell (eds), 2006ISBN 13 978 086159 163 3
162. Naukratis: Greek Diversity in Egypt. Studies on East Greek Pottery and Exchange in the Eastern Mediterranean
Edited by Alexandra Villing and Udo Schlotzhauer, 2006ISBN 978 086159 162 6
161. A Researcher’s Guide to the Lachish Collection in the British Museum
Pamela Magrill, 2006ISBN 086159 161 5
Online publication
160. Not published
159. Prehistoric Metal Artefacts from Italy (3700–720 BC) in the British Museum
Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri and Ellen Macanamara with a scientific appendix by Duncan Hook, 2007ISBN-13: 0 978 86159 159 6
158. Remote Possibilities: Hoa Hakananai'a and HMS Topaze on Rapa Nui
Jo Anne Van Tilburg with drawings by Cristián Arévalo Pakarati (new completely revised edition), 2005ISBN 0 86159 158 5
157. The Greeks in the East
Ed. A Villing, 2005ISBN 0 86159 157 7
156. A Naos of Nekhthorheb from Bubastis: Religious Iconography and Temple building in the 30th Dynasty
Neal Spencer, with a contribution by Daniela Rosenow, 2006 ISBN 978 086159 156 5
Online publication
155. The Bankes’ Late Ramesside Papyri
Robert Demaree, 2005ISBN 0 86159 155 0
154. Feather Crown: the Eighteen Feasts of the Mexica Year
Gordon Brotherston, 2005ISBN 0 86159 154 8
153. Late Glacial Long Blade Sites in the Kennet Valley
Roy Froom, ed. J. Cook, 2005ISBN 0 81659 153 4
152. Metallurgical Analysis of Chinese Coins at the British Museum
H. Wang, M. Cowell, J. Cribb, S. Bowman (eds), 2005ISBN 0 81659 152 6
Online publication
151. North Korean Culture and Society, Papers from the British Museum and BAKS study days 2001 and 2002
Jane Portal and Beth McKillop (eds), 2004ISBN 0 86159 151 8
150. Assigned to reprint of 15
149. Not published
148. Not published
147. Not published
146. Cleaning and Controversy: the Parthenon Sculptures 1811-1939
Ian Jenkins, 2001ISBN 0 86159 146 1
Online publication
145 * Past Practice - Future Prospects. Conservation Conference September 2001
Andrew Oddy & Sandra Smith (eds), 2002ISBN 0 86159 145 3
144. Not published
143. The Forest, Source of Life: the Kelabit of Sarawak
M. Janowski, Published in conjunction with the Sarawak Museum, 2003ISBN 0 86159 143 7
142. Sir Aurel Stein, Proceedings of the British Museum study day 2002
H. Wang (ed.), 2004ISBN 0 86159 142 9
Online publication
141. Novgorod: the Archaeology of a Russian Medieval City and its Hinterland
Mark Brisbane and David Gaimster (eds), 2001ISBN 0 86159 141 0
140. Development and Evaluation of the HSBC Money Gallery at the British Museum
John Orna-Ornstein (ed.), 2001ISBN 0 86159 140 2
Online publication
139. The Papyrus of Nebseni (BM EA 9900): the Texts of Chapter 180 With the New Kingdom Parallels
Günther Lapp, 2003ISBN 0 86159 139 9
138. Catalogue of the Archives of Charles Townley in the British Museum
S. Hill, 2001ISBN 0 86159 138 0
137. Never published
136. The Ferrous Metallurgy of Early Clocks and Watches
M. Wayman, 2000ISBN 0 86159 136 4
135. Reversibility - Does It Exist?
Andrew Oddy and Sara Carroll (eds), 1999ISBN 0 86159 135 6
134. Guatemalan Textiles in the British Museum
Ann Hecht, 2001ISBN 0 86159 134 8
133. Access to Museum Culture: the British Museum from 1753 to 1836
Derek Cash, 2003ISBN 0 86159 133X
Online publication
132. Is This How I Looked When I First Got Here? Pottery and Practice in the Cameroon Grassfields
Nicolas Argenti, Illustrations by Ueli Knecht, 1999ISBN 0 86159 132 1
131 * Recent Research in Kushite History and Archaeology, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference for Meroitic Studies
Derek A. Welsby (ed.), 1999ISBN 0 86159 131 3
130. Dürer, Conference Papers
G. Bartrum (ed.), 2004ISBN 0 86159 130 5
Online publication
129. Handbook to the Collections of Sir Aurel Stein in the UK
Helen Wang and John Perkins (eds.), 2008ISBN 0 86159 129 1
© British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.
Online publication
128. Not published
127. Glass in Britain and Ireland AD 350-1100
A. Price (ed.), 2000ISBN 0 86159 127 5
126 * Humphrey Cole: Mint, Measurement and Maps
Silke Ackermann (ed.), 1998ISBN 0 86159 126 7
125. Excavations at the Lower Palaeolithic Site at East Farm, Barnham, Suffolk 1989-9
Nick Ashton, Simon G. Lewis and Simon Parfitt (eds), with illustrations Phil Dean, 1998ISBN 0 86159 125 9
124. 2000 Years of Zinc and Brass – revised edition
P. Craddock, 1998ISBN 0 86159 124 0, See 50 for first edition
123. Studies in Egyptian Antiquities. a Tribute to T.G.H. James
W.V. Davies (ed.), 1999ISBN 0 86159 123 2
122. Maiolica in the North. the Archaeology of Tin-Glazed Earthenware in North-West Europe c. 1500-1600
David Gaimster (ed.), 1999ISBN 0 86159 122 4
121. Ancient Caucasian and Related Material in the British Museum
John Curtis and Miroslaw Kruszynski, Appendix on Metallurgy by Alistair Pike, Drawings by Ann Searight, 2002ISBN 0 86159 121 6
120. Metal Analyses of Roman Coins Minted under the Empire
L.H. Cope, C.E. King, J.P. Northover and T. Clay, 1997ISBN 0 86159 120 8
119 * A Piece of Shenoutiana from the Department of Egyptian Antiquities (EA 71005)
Heike Behlmer and Anthony Alcock, 1996ISBN 0 86159 119 4
118. Delight in Diversity: Display in the British Museum: Seminar March 1995
John Cherry and Susan Walker, 1996ISBN 0 86159 118 6
117 * Selection of Materials for the Storage or Display of Museum Objects – revised edition
L.R. Lee and D. Thickett , 2004ISBN 0 86159 117 8, See 111 for first edition
116. The interface between Science and Conservation
Susan Bradley (ed.), 1997, reprinted 2003ISBN 0 86159 116 X
115. Westminster Kings and the Medieval Palace of Westminster
J. Cherry and N. Stratford, 1995, reprinted 1998ISBN 0 86159 115 1
114. Imaging the Past: Electronic Imaging and Computer Graphics in Museums and Archaeology
Tony Higgins, Peter Main and Janet Lang (eds), 1996ISBN 0 86159 114 3
113. Not published
112. Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt and Nubia: a Bibliography
Jerome C. Rose, 1996ISBN 0 86159 112 7
111. Selection of Materials for the Storage or Display of Museum Objects
L.R. Lee and D. Thickett, 1996ISBN 0 86159 111 9, See 117 for revised edition
110. Not published
109. Trade and Discovery: the Scientific Study of Artefacts from Post-Medieval Europe and Beyond
D. Hook and D. Gaimster (eds), 1995, reprint 1999ISBN 0 86159 109 7
108. Catalogue of Stone Age Artefacts from Southern Africa in the British Museum
Peter Mitchell with contributions by Alison Roberts, Alan Cohen and Karen Perkins, 2002ISBN 086159 108 9
Online publication
107 * Crafts and Technologies: some Traditional Craftsmen of the Western Grasslands of Cameroon
Hans Knopfli, 1997ISBN 0 86159 107 0
106. Not published
105. What Follows Six Is More Than Seven’: Understanding African Art
Rowland Abiodun, 1995ISBN 0 86159 105 4
104. Not published
103. Cleopatra Reassessed
S. Walker and S.-A. Ashton (eds), 2003ISBN 0 86159 103 8
102. The Circulation of Metal in the British Bronze Age: the Application of Lead Isotope Analysis
Brenda Rohl and Stuart Needham, 1998ISBN 0 86159 102 X
101 * A Survey of Visitors to the British Museum (1992-3)
M. Caygill and M.N. Leese, 1994ISBN 0 86159 101 1
100. Seianti Hanunia Tlesnasa: the Story of An Etruscan Noblewoman
Judith Swaddling and John Prag (eds), 2002ISBN 0 86159 100 3
99. Restoration: Is It Acceptable?
A. Oddy, 1994, reprinted 1998ISBN 0 86159 099 6
98. Catalogue of Punic Stelae in the British Museum
C. MendlesonISBN 0 86159 098 8
97. Italy in Europe: Economic Relations 700 BC - AD 50
J. Swaddling, S. Walker & P. Roberts, 1995ISBN 0 86159 097 X
96 * Ainu Material Culture from the Notes of N.G. Munro
B. Ohlsen, 1994ISBN 0 86159 096 1
95. The Carlyle Collection of Stone Age Artefacts from Central India
J. Cook and H. Martingell, 1994ISBN 0 86159 095 3
94 * Excavations at Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe, 1968 - 72
N. Ashton, B Conway and J. Mcnabb, 1996ISBN 0 86159 094 5
93 * Lead Cloth Seals and Related Items in the BM
G. Egan, 1994ISBN 0 86159 093 7
92 * Owners of Funerary Papyri in the British Museum
S. Quirke, 1993ISBN 0 86159 092 9
91 * Mexican Painted Manuscripts in the United Kingdom
Ute Berger, 1998ISBN 0 86159 091 0
90. None
89. None
88. None
87. English Medieval Coin Hoards: I Cross and Crosslets, Short Cross and Long Cross Hoards
M.M. Archibald and B.J. Cook, 2001ISBN 0 86159 087 2
86. None
85 * Ivory in Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Period
L. Fitton, 1992ISBN 0 86159 085 6
84. Japanese 19th Century Copperplate Prints
J. Clark, 1994ISBN 0 86159 084 8
83 * Heinrich Schliemann and the British Museum
L. Fitton, 1991ISBN 0 86159 083 X
82. Neutron Activation and Plasma Emission Spectrometric Analysis in Archaeology
M.J. Hughes, M.R. Cowell and D. Hook, 1991ISBN 0 86159 082 1
81. Recent Developments in Ceramic Petrology
A. Middleton and I. Freestone, 1991ISBN 0 86159 081 3
80 * Explorations and Excavations in Bannu District, NW Frontier Province Pakistan 1985 - 1988
F. Khan, J. Knox and K. Thomas, 1991ISBN 0 86159 080 5
79 * Aspects of Early North American Metallurgy
M. Wayman, J. King and P. Craddock, 1992ISBN 0 86159 079 1
78 * Acquisitions of Badges (1983-1987
Philip Attwood, 1991ISBN 0 86159 078 3
77 * Coins of Alexandria and the Nomes
E. Christiansen, 1991ISBN 0 86159 077 5
76 * Acquisitions of Badges (1983-1987)
Philip Attwood, 1990ISBN 0 86159 076 7
75. Adam Buck's Greek Vases
I. Jenkins, 1989ISBN 0 86159 075 9
74. Faccombe Netherton: Excavations of a Saxon and Medieval Manorial Complex (2 vols)
J. Fairbrother, 1990ISBN 0 86159 074 0
73. HMS Topaze on Easter Island
J. Van Tilburg, 1992, revised edition scheduled 2004ISBN 0 86159 073 2
72. The Torajan Ricebarn
N. Barley and S. Sandaruppa, 1991ISBN 0 86159 072 4
71. A Survey of Music in Peru
Peter CloudsleyISBN 0 86159 071 6
70. The Petters Late Bronze Age Metalwork
S.P. Needham, 1990, reprinted 1996ISBN 0 86159 070 8
69. Excavations at Cliffe, Kent
Ian Kinnes, Fiona Cameron, Steven Trow, and David Thomson, 1998ISBN 0 86159 069 4
68 * A Temple of Domitian at El-Ashmunein
S. Snape, 1989ISBN 0 86159 068 6
67 * British Museum Expedition to Middle Egypt: Ashmunein (1985
A.J. Spencer, 1986ISBN 0 86159 067 8
66 * A Guide to the Storage, Exhibition and Handling of Antiquities, Ethnographia and Pictorial Art
S. Bradley, 1990ISBN 0 86159 066 X
Revised edition, 1993ISBN 0 86159 199 2
65 * Early Advances in Conservation
V. Daniels, 1988ISBN 0 86159 065 1
64 * A Survey of Visitors to the British Museum (1982-1983
M. Caygill, 1986ISBN 0 86159 064 3
63 * The Great Portico at Hermapolis Magna: Present State and Past Prospects
S. Snape and D. Bailey
62 * A Study of Ancient Egyptian Cordage in the British Museum
D.P. Ryan and D.H. Hansen, 1987ISBN 0 86159 062 7
61 * British Museum Expedition to Middle Egypt: Ashmunein (1984
A.J. Spencer, 1985ISBN 0 86159 061 9
60 * Papyrus: Structure and Usage
M. Bierbrier, 1986ISBN 0 86159 060 0
59 * Coin Hoards from Roman Britain VII
A.M. Burnett and R. Bland, 1987ISBN 0 86159 059 7
58 * Coin Hoards from Roman Britain VI
A.M. Burnett, 1986ISBN 0 86159 058 9
57 * Sabellian-Samnite Bronze Belts in the British Museum
M. Suano, 1986ISBN 0 86159 057 0
56 * Early Vitreous Materials
M. Bimson and I. Freestone, 1987, republished in 1992ISBN 0 86159 056 2
55 * Acquisitions of Badges (1978-1982
Philip Attwood, 1985ISBN 0 86159 055 4
54 * Coin Hoards from Roman Britain V
A.M. Burnett, 1984ISBN 0 86159 054 6
53 * British Museum Expedition to Middle Egypt: Ashmunein (1983)
A.J. Spencer, 1984ISBN 0 86159 053 8
52 * Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic
I. Kinnes, 1992ISBN 0 86159 052 X
51 * English Civil War Coin Hoards
E. Besly, 1987ISBN 0 86159 051 1
50. 2000 Years of Zinc and Brass
P.T. Craddock, 1990ISBN 0 86159 050 3
Revised edition (see number 124), 1998ISBN 0 86159 124 0
49 * Balinese Shadow Play Figures: their Social and Ritual Significance
A. Hobart, 1985ISBN 0 86159 049 X
48 Furnaces and Smelting Technology in Antiquity
P.T. Craddock and M.J. Hughes, 1985, re-published in 1992ISBN 0 86159 048 1
47 * The Cultural Heritage of an Indian Village
Brian Durrans and R. Blurton, 1991ISBN 0 86159 047 3
46 * British Museum Expedition to Middle Egypt: Ashmunein (1981)
A.J. Spencer, 1983ISBN 0 86159 046 5
45 * The Bronze Hoard from S. Maria in Paulis, Sardinia
D. Ridgway, 1984ISBN 0 86159 045 7
44 * A Rich Late La Tene Burial at Hertford Heath, Hertfordshire
Claus-Michael HussenISBN 0 86159 044 9
43 * Coin Hoards from Roman Britain IV
A.M. Burnett, 1984ISBN 0 86159 043 0
42 * Acquisitions of Medals (1978-1982)
Mark Jones, 1985ISBN 0 86159 042 2
41 * British Museum Expedition to Middle Egypt: Ashmunein (1981)
A.J. Spencer, 1982ISBN 0 86159 041 4
40 * The Ornament on Chinese Silver of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-906)
J. Rawson, 1982ISBN 0 86159 040 6
39 * The Ambleside Hoard: a Discovery in the Royal Collections
S. Needham, 1982ISBN 0 86159 039 2
38 * A Key to the Mesoamerican Reckoning of Time: the Chronology Recorded in Native Texts
G. Brotherston, 1982ISBN 0 86159 038 4
37 * British Museum Expedition to Middle Egypt: Ashmunein (1980)
DM Bailey, 1982ISBN 0 86159 037 6
36 * The Statuette of Queen Tetisheri: a Reconsideration
W.V. Davies, 1984ISBN 0 86159 036 8
35. A Romano-British Village at Grandford, March, Cambridgeshire
T.W. Potter, 1982ISBN 0 86159 035 X
34 * Aspects of Production and Style in Dark Age Metalwork
L. Webster, 1982ISBN 0 86159 034 1
33 * Coin Hoards from Roman Britain: Vol. III: the Blackmoor Hoard
R. Bland, 1982ISBN 0 86159 033 3
32 * Current Research in Ceramics: Thin-Section Studies: the British Museum Seminar 1980
I. Freestone, 1982ISBN 0 86159 032 5
31 * Coin Hoards from Roman Britain: Vol. II
A.M. Burnett, 1981ISBN 0 86159 031 7
30 * Economic Aspects of the Viking Age
D.M. Wilson, 1981ISBN 0 86159 030 9
29 * Museum Showcases: a Design Brief
I.K. Turner, 1980ISBN 0 86159 028 7
28 * A Royal Statue Reattributed
W.V. Davies, 1981ISBN 0 86159 028 7
27 * Textiles in Yemen
J. Baldry, 1982ISBN 0 86159 027 9
26 * Chalcolithic Cyprus and Western Asia
J. Reade, 1981ISBN 0 86159 026 0
25 * Department of Coins and Medals: New Acquisitions No. 1 (1976-77)
N.J.L. Turner, 1981ISBN 0 86159 025 2
24 * Roman Villas in Italy: Recent Excavations and Research
K. Painter, 1980ISBN 0 86159 023 6
23 * Sutton Hoo Excavations 1966, 1968-70
I.H. Longworth, 1980ISBN 0 86159 021 X
22 * Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities: New Acquisitions No. 1 (1976-79)
N.J.L. Turner, 1981ISBN 0 86159 121 X
21 * Progress in Scientific Dating Methods
R. Burleigh, 1980ISBN 0 86159 020 1
20 * Scientific Studies in Early Mining and Extractive Metallurgy
P.T. Craddock, 1980ISBN 0 86159 019 8
19 * Scientific Studies in Ancient Ceramics
M.J. Hughes, 1981ISBN 0 86159 018 X
18 * Scientific Studies in Numismatics
W.A. Oddy, Year?ISBN?
17 * Aspects of Early Metallurgy
W.A. Oddy, 1980ISBN 0 86159 016 3
16 * Augustus: Handlist of the Exhibition and Supplementary Studies
S. Walker, 1981ISBN 0 86159 015 5
15 * Aspects of Tibetan Metallurgy, reprint
W.A Oddy and W Zwalf, 1981ISBN 0 86159 014 7
1991ISBN 0 86159 150 X
14 * An Iron Age II tomb Group from the Bethlehem Region
J.N.Tubb, 1980ISBN 0 86159 013 9
13 The Bulford-Helsbury Manufacturing Tradition
S. Needham, 1981ISBN 0 86159 012 0
12 * The Iron Age Moulds from Gussage All Saints
J. Foster, 1980ISBN 0 86159 011 2
11 * The Century of Rubens and Rembrandt: Seventeenth Century Dutch and Flemish Drawings from Pierpont Morgan Library, New York
1979ISBN 0 86159 010 4
10 * Department of Medieval and Later Antiquities: New Acquisitions No. 1 (1976-78): Part 2: Post Medieval
N.J.L. Turner, 1980ISBN 0 86159 024 4 = Part 2
9 * Weaving in the Maldive Islands, Indian Ocean: the Fine Mat Industry of Suvadiva atoll
A. Forbes, 1980ISBN 0 86159 008 2
8 * Department of Prints and Drawings: New Acquisitions No. 1 (1976-78)
N.J.L. Turner, 1979ISBN 0 86159 007 4
7 * Round Barrows and Ring-Ditches in the British Neolithic
I. Kinnes, 1979ISBN 0 86159 006 6
6 * Iron Age Cemeteries in Champagne
J-L Flouest, 1979ISBN 0 86159 005 8
5 * Recent Roman Coin Hoards from Britain
R.A.G. Carson, 1979-81ISBN 0 86159 004 X
4 * The British Museum Winter Count
J.H. Howard, 1979ISBN 0 86159 003 1
3 * Akan-Asante Studies
M. Johnson, 1979ISBN 0 86159 002 3
2 * Early Etched Beads and the Indus-Mesopotamia Trade
J. Reade, 1979ISBN 0 86159 001 5
1 * Neolithic Stone and Flint Axes from the River Thames: An Illustrated Corpus
R. Adkins, 1978ISBN 0 86159 000 7
Etruscan Bucchero in the Collections of the British Museum
P. Perkins
Cosmetic Grinders: an illustrated Catalogue and Discussion of a Type Unique to Late Iron Age and Roman Britain
Ralph Jackson
Bronze Age and Early Iron Age bronzes from Italy (3000-720BC) in the British Museum
Prof. Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri & Dr Ellen Macanamara
Salcombe Cannon Site
V. Porter et al.
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