Friday, May 25, 2012


October 28, 2011


It is not a secret: I earned an undergraduate degree from an ivy league school as well as a law degree, but surprisingly that has not kept me from playing hunger games. I am not lazy. I am not unproductive, although I might become a bit unwashed if they cut off my water. In fact, as one of millions of unemployed Americans, my new daily routine consists of me counting the days down to homelessness while flashing my degrees at crappy work to see where they might landed me. I am not the only “overqualified” person willing to take anything. These days I do not have time to be choosy and this willingness has taken me to some very marginal places we will talk about in other posts.

Do I blame my alma mater? Nope. My college and post graduate experiences were amazing and initially they both paid off with great jobs and promotions. Of course great jobs and promotions are necessary when you financed your education with a lot of student loans. The problem arises when the successful and fulfilling career gets washed away in repeat mergers and acquisitions that leave you out in the cold. Immigrants did not take my job. Corporate america did. It’s called job elimination for “improved profits.”

Maybe you are asking do I blame the economy? Maybe. There are no jobs where there is no money. Americans and the rest of the world are being manipulated and defrauded by those who control the supply of money. All hail those things called the Ben Bernanke, the Goldman Sachs and their ilk.

Discussing the current devastating effects of this world order is part of the rationale for this blog. However, I am motivated by other factors besides my new marginal living. Cajoled into drafting boatloads of pro se documents in my “spare time,” I have been taken on some extreme adventures by desperate broke marginal people, and am acutely aware of the lack of resources to help them when they do not know their legal rights or are trying to help themselves. Eating is important but so is some guidance when it comes to credit and financial advice against predatory practices. Thus, this blog will provide some general assistance in these areas as well.

So now that I have a front row seat to the drama of inequalities of the working class under vulture capitalism, let’s get started on this journey of self-exploration and self-help. I do not profess to have all the answers but I am happy to explain the things I know and to provide examples when needed. The point is, I have decided to write this blog while I look for work in odd places, and maybe ease the some of the stress of my imaginary friends out there, ok …well, I mean perceived readership. Maybe when they come to take the house, I will be lucky enough to still have the car to live in.


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