Monday, June 11, 2012

Obstacles and Challenges

Obstacles and Challenges

By Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, The Lubavitcher Rebbe

Greeting and Blessing:

I have been informed of the loss which has been sustained by your business enterprise, the earnings of which were earmarked for the Lubavitch House activities, and that this unfortunate occurrence has considerably upset you.

While such a reaction is quite understandable, it is necessary not to lose sight of the real Torah perspective. For, as in the case of every occurrence and every matter, the Torah contains an answer and a definite view. Indeed, it has often been emphasized that the Torah is eternal, and not only in regard to the Mitzvot, but also in regard to the various narratives in the Torah. And while the events and episodes mentioned in the Torah were connected with certain persons, and certain circumstances, in time and place, nevertheless their message is eternal and valid for all times and all places, with particular relevance also to each and every one of us individually.

It was very difficult for Abraham to when he was told to go to an unknown land I have in mind the earliest trials and tests which the first Jew, our Father Abraham, had to undergo, at a time when he was one and only in his generation, as it is written, "One was Abraham." When G‑d said to Abraham Lech l'cha, ordering him to leave his land, his birthplace, and father's house, it was very difficult for him to do so, even to separate himself from one of the three attachments, not to mention all three together. Then Abraham was told to go to an unknown to him land (Canaan, later to become Eretz Yisroel1), where, he was promised, he would become great, and a source of blessing for all. Yet, no sooner did he arrive there, than a famine broke out in that particular land with such severity, that he had to leave at once and go to Egypt, which undoubtedly was with G‑d's approval. Under these circumstances, one might have expected that Abraham could very seriously question Divine Providence, which seemed so inconsistent and contradictory. All the more so in view of what is written in Pirkei d'Rabbi Elazar that the famine affected only the land of Canaan and did not extend to any other land, which was clearly intended to test him. Yet, Abraham not only did not complain, but did everything with joy and gladness of heart, taking his whole family with him, etc. Of course, it all turned out only as a test of his Bitachon2 in G‑d, for soon afterwards Abraham was richly rewarded, and he returned to Canaan richly laden with cattle, silver and gold, as the Torah tells us. In reference to this experience of Abraham, the Midrash states that everything experienced by Abraham also happened to his children.

You ought to consider yourself very privileged to have the merit to be considered worthy of tests similar to Abraham In light of the above, you ought to consider yourself very privileged to have the Zechut3 to be considered worthy of Nisyonot (tests) similar to the above, and the similarity surely requires no elaboration. I am confident that very soon you, too, will see the happy end of this test, and be richly rewarded with "silver and gold" also in the plain sense of the word. All the more so since the profits of this business enterprise have been dedicated to a holy cause.

Inasmuch as we will soon celebrate Yom Tov Pesach,4 the Festival of our Liberation, may G‑d grant that you should be liberated also from all distracting thoughts, and be able to continue your sacred work in matters of Torah and holiness in general, and the activities of Lubavitch and Kosher Chinuch5 in particular, and do so with joy and gladness of heart.

Wishing you and yours a Kosher and happy Pesach,

With blessing,



1. =the land of Israel

2. =trust [in G-d]

3. =merit

4. =holiday of Passover

5. =education

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