Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aliens on Earth Dolphins and Whales

Aliens on Earth Dolphins and Whales

From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. For thousands of years dolphins and whales have been revered as sacred healers, heroes and emissaries from the sea. Many ancient and diverse cultures from around the world tell stories of the unique spiritual nature of dolphins and their healing effects on human health and spiritual well being. It has even been speculated that dolphins and whales possess powers of telepathy and extrasensory perception, and are equally as intelligent as humans.

Dolphin's Brain as complex as human's re beurostructure  Dave Warner MD--dolphins curious and easily bored -leave environment to check out humans   in the water, can check out and id deep tissue re undiagnosed tumors    almost altruistic concern for humans   esp disabled children    metaphysical spirits of the sea   sea mammals   strange mythical sounds      blue whales largest creatures on earth  and loudest

On whale tours humpbacks curious and approach vessels   many sea mammals have exper  comeback from extinction   humn interaction w dolphins  many healings just placebo effect or supernatural     supernatural?  successful w autistic and downs syndrome children    brain wave activity after contact monitored

dolphins in sound space continuum   emit high freq sound patterns  they are ultra sound engines - sound energy emissions healing  alters physiological properties in humans    Santa Rosa Island off Calif coast, San Miguel Island former isle sea lions proliferate    northern elephant seals

Roger Gorke                    gray whales southbound  growing  no longer endangered
baleen whales
Santa Barbara channel

Georgiana V Sanchez   "Luhui"


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