JIMMY TATE 4 months ago
I had the disztinct honor of shaking the hands of both Glenn ford and James Stewart in 1964 during a courtesy inspection by Glenn ford over the Memorial day weekend. He had brought general Stewart along and the crew of my Hospital Ship The U.S.S Haven were flabbergasted to see two such famous men and we could barely maintain our diginity while they were there, Both men have always been heroes to me, because they chose to serve their country and never stopped even though they could have at almost any time......Published on Jun 8, 2015
An Army Major stationed in East China in 1944 is ordered to blow up instillation's to slow up advancing Japanese Army.
James Stewart was a USAF General when he made this movie
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I very much appreciate the fact that even though the film fulfilled the requirements of propaganda, it left the audience with a somewhat unusual ending. Not your completely stereotypical characters or story. For it's time, and the culture's awareness, well done!
This movie is a perfect example of money wasted on a rotten regime,millions of U.S dollars supporting the
Nationalist Government of Chiang Kai shek, the Allied Armies all over the world on the march to victory
except in China,where the Japanese are still strong and advancing even in 1944.tss77 3 months ago
One more thing! Chiang Kai shek used his best forces to try and contain the Communist forces of Mao early in
the Sino-Japanese war and only later worked out a deal with the Reds to combine their efforts in a total war, and
this was only after he was kidnapped by his own Officers to force Chiang into the deal. Much of the money
the U.S sent China during the war and after was stolen by Chiang's Friends and relatives.
Clearly a Cold War-era movie, a good PR piece for Taiwan under Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, where martial law was to last another 1/4 century after this movie's release in 1960. "Order before mercy" tries to provide justification for Chiang's dictatorship, where some dissidents would be picked up in the middle of the night and dumped in the sea. While millions of Chinese people starved, and many died as a result, during Japan's brutal war in China, I am not aware of any US personnel getting killed in stampedes over food.
People in a bad situation all round, the few people still doing their best for others, despite all the horrors inflicted by men who feel the need to dominate others and take what is not theirs by any right.Jimmy Stewart again at his best as always, he did put his life on the line too, bombing Nazis Germany etc, along with many others