Friday, March 13, 2009

Albert Hoffman, Shamanic Healing and the double edged sword-Healing in Peru and Ecuador

Videos on Albert Hoffman and shamanic healing linked below: The two edged sword possibly.

The consciousness opened by ancient ceremonies in Ecuador and Peru are initiated to open the pineal third eye of centeredness to the divine connection with our funneled changes having a lasting and permanent impression. This opening of our 3rd eye and realignment of our chakra centers is the goal of this healing and balancing of our energy centers.There are infinite levels of awareness, and often hallucinogenic inducement is the inducement along with directed dieting, and sexual abstinence. ( ). The hallucinogen is the "sacred ayahuasca plant credited with shamanic properties and used in Peru. Since time immemorial, entheogens have been used to induce expansion of consciousness in conjunction with healing by the most ancient of both Greek, Roman , Egyptian, Persian, and indigenous cultures globally. Hallucinogens have made a round trip circuit with mixed blessings. Albert Hoffman who0 died at age 102 in 2008 discovered the hallucinogen LSD by accident and scribed to it an expansion of consciousness and healing properties as well. If such hallucinogens can induce trans consciousness, greater consciousness, they conjure as well our "demons" as well in a purgative series of experiences that have the demons as an interlude to translucent euphoria and greater awareness that can result. We should exercise somewhat caution in the use of these hallucinogens and try for more conventional healings. The ancients since Socrates described our "daemons" as our inspiration and guardian angels, so to speak, as Socrates stated in the Platonic dialogues. The allusion escapes me at present but I will locate it.

The shamans I have read about who are ascribed as philo humanitarians with their healings are

Eloy Navarro-Java and Meghan Shannon. He began his apprenticeship with the Ayahuasca medicine in 1982 under the renowned and powerful Julio Girena (passed 2007) when he was just fifteen years old, and it has been his life path ever since. This spot with its 30 photographs which I have viewed is reputed to be "a Paradise" . The location is on their web site. This is Meghan's blog for information on the Peruvian shamans. The third link down is their video presentation on You Tube. I will visit her blog presently. Fortuitous synchronicities , indeed, as stated below. Do I dare hope that there are recesses such as these ?

Testimonial of the
"I had been in and around Iquitos for a month and a half, drinking
ayahuasca with a few different ayahuasceros and vegetalistas, before I met
Meghan and Luco (Eloy) through a series of fortuitous often
happens when one begins to work with the medicine. Many people who have worked
with healers know that not all shamans work within the integrity of the medicine
- unfortunately, many of these people have dubious motivations and are out to
make money on unwitting ayahuasca tourists. One must remember that shamans are
only human! While some of them have incredible healing abilities and are
well-versed in the techniques of shamanic ecstacy, they are not all holy people,
and they are not all lightworkers. Some are no better than a snake-oil salesman,
and some actually do more harm than good. But who can blame them? The Peruvian
people live in poverty, and the ayahuasca industry attracts Westerners and
money. Having said that, ayahuasca seekers must follow their own instincts and
decide whose integrity and intentions align with their own. I believe that
ayahuasca amplifies the energy behind integrity and intention. Make sure you
feel right about who you drink with.
Now, there are still ayahuasceros who
have preserved the sacredness and beauty of the the ayahuasca ceremony. Both he
and Meghan, I truly believe, want to help as many people as they can. Luco
preserves the sweetness of ayahuasca within his good heart. He is gentle and
playful and childlike. When you drink with him, you feel like together you are
all learning - ayahuasca is the one true teacher, and we are her children. His
humility, goodness and light allow one to journey to freedom, to the depths of
healing and learning. And I have always felt safe within his space - he holds it
For those who want to experience other medicinal plants or other plant
diets, Luco is also very knowledgable about his jungle surroundings and easily
identifies the plants within his jungle medicine cabinet. I did an 8-day Sanago
diet with Luco - and it was powerful. Sanago is a mighty nerve tonic, and while
understood in the West, I've been told by a local gringo shaman/medical adept
that he has cured Parkinson's with one round of this plant. I can attest to its
nerve rejuvinating attributes - I have suffered from a series of head injuries,
I found that after my diet I felt sharper and more mentally flexible than I had
in awhile. I think if the medical community ever decides to study this, they
would find some interesting applications for the treatment of nervous disorders.
But this is only one plant! The Amazon, and this area in particular, is one of
the most biologically diverse areas on our planet, and there are medicinal
plants, bugs, and frogs everywhere - some undiscovered, some unknown outside the
region. Luckily, Luco is a pretty good guide to hae when working with this huge
jungle pharmacopeia.
Luco and Meghan and their kids have created a welcoming
family atmosphere for those who stay with them. When you're with them, you can
just chill and relax. Their family is all about Love: Love for the Medicine,
Love for people, Love for this good Earth, Love for the Light. And I think, more
than anything, that ayahuasca just wants us to Love. In Love is our
Peace. Love. Harmony"
- Ashley, Boulder CO
Distance Healing
"I received a distance healing from Eloy of Infinite Light Peru
after the suddent and tragic passing of my brother. Meghan of Infinite Light was
very supportive, stating that despite the great physical distance the healing
would help to ease some of my pain. Eloy called my spirit into ceremony on two
consecutive evenings and during the second of the two I experienced a great
state of calm and peacefulness, even a slight bit of euphoria, that lasted for
several hours. It was the first night of relief I had had since my brother's
passing and I felt more at peace than I had for many months."
- Joe, PA
September 2008
"I have been on a journey of spiritual growth for about two
years. Throughout these years I have released old beliefs, let go of shame and
guilt about events that I had previously judged as wrong, and continually have
grown into a stronger, healed woman.
However, a few months ago I had
plateaued. Then one night suddenly all of the issues, feelings and beliefs that
I had been stuffing down started coming up! I purged a huge amount of dark,
negativity; the whole while I felt like I was out of my body. A few days later I
got an email from Meghan. She wanted to let me know that Luco (Eloy) was working
on my dad's spirit, as I had asked him to, and my spirit then asked if he could
work on me. Then I asked her, 'was this on Monday around 10:30?' She replied
'yes.' Truly, my spirit was touched. My spirit defies time and space. Luco and
the other healers in Infinite Light were and still are able to interact with my
soul, whenever my soul is ready and willing to be present to healing. It was an
amazing release, a huge shift in me which allowed me to be able to break through
the plateau. I moved into the next chapter in my healing journey. I am
- Lady Jayne, DC Metro
"Everything is Possible
Healing from Shaman Eloy does center and change me, like a beautiful work of
art, since I do feel he works with me and on the tapestry of my life, helping me
tie new knots, bring in new colors to my design, and when that happens, my heart
opens and all of life becomes possible again."
~Plume Patti~Santa Barbara,
"The next day, I felt like the distance healing cracked the ice on my
heart and let me to be a little more open, and I felt so light. I felt that I
have become truth and always stay true to myself and others. I am staying open
to everything and love myself even more. Once you try distance healing, you will
(or might not) notice changes, but it will be more positive than before!"
Sweet Tima, DC Metro

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