Friday, March 13, 2009

Spiritual and physical healing -Hibiru Language Post


This second link explains the sacred Ingapirca and many other facets of shamanic healing in Ecuador which I shall go over in the next post. I will be accessing some scenes from my pulled up video references, if possible.

My recent post on Hibiru language refers to further posts on Spiritual/Physical Healing.This is one of a series of posts, hopefully, on this very comprehensive topic. I will cover where this phenomenon occurs around the world with descriptive photos and text and my own writings as well. I will also be referencing video links on you tube. Indigenous cultures seem more attached to and more open to invisible spirit worlds and they have the link to those worlds through the tribal shaman. The ceremony is elaborately planned in all instances, I think, to access these worlds whence the healing derives. The temple of the Sun was the setting of these healings. It was erected in an elliptical form to coincide with the movement of the Sun . The planetary movements are involved in the continuum of the healings as well . The use of tools and the shamanic trance like state is also integral. The meditative states which the Shaman induces are necessary for the completion of the healing process.

These are termed alternative healings and their success is commensurate with the openness of the ones being healed. Shamanic blessings also occur as part of the experience,the event.

Definition:- Shaman Healer: A Shaman is member of certain tribal societies
who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and
who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control
over natural events. Shamanism involves body, mind and
My Experience: My shamanic experience came about unexpectedly.
Recently, while traveling through Ecuador, we had the opportunity to attend a
Shamanic Ceremony quite by accident and I felt it would be wonderful to
experience the shamanic healing. This is something I have always looked forward
to doing whether I was sick or not. I believe that other cultures have alternative techniques that can
be of great value to our healing process.
The Shamanic Healing Ceremony was
held at an ancient archeological complex, atop the platform of the so-called
Temple of the Sun
which was erected in an elliptical form to coincide with the
movement of the sun. This complex was mostly a ceremonial site, used for worship
and astronomy which held great spiritual value.
It took the Shaman Healer
quite some time to set things up for the ceremony making sure that he had fire,
water and smoke in the center of the platform and positioning certain organic
items and tools around him. He then sat quietly for some time in a trance like
state. As we gathered around on the ancient platform and held hands, the Shaman
began the ceremony. We had a translator so we could all understand what was
Throughout the ceremony some of the participants decided at
different times to sit down and others continued to stand, each of us trying to
find our own peaceful space. It was quite a long ceremony with a lot of chanting
and rituals, but throughout the whole thing I remained in somewhat of a meditative state. Towards the end the Shaman gave each one of us some tobacco which he
had us place in our hands and hold it tightly while we put all our desires and
dreams into that tobacco. He then collected it and rolled it into this huge
cigar which he lit and began blessing each of us with its smoke.

As the smoke surrounded each of us, the Shaman asked us to put all our thoughts and energy into our desires and dreams and to open ourselves up to those feelings. At the end he acknowledged that there were 2 people that he felt needed extra healing, one was myself and the other a young women in the group and he made an effort to bless the two of us individually and to surround us with the smoke again. For me, it was a very spiritual experience and I felt peace and hope. I feel that if we are open to all spiritual experiences it can be very liberated and healing.
Would I do it again? Most definitely! I recently returned to Ecuador and met with the Shaman Healer again and participated in a second healing ceremony. I would also try applying alternative healing techniques from a variety of cultures. Our society does not have the inside track on how to cure ourselves. I believe being open to all possibilities is essential to the healing process.

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