Monday, March 2, 2009

Three principal factors of growth

I have read that Atlantis a race once existing had a high development of evolving or growth but ended in cataclysmic destruction. Their "myth"? was related in the works of Francis Bacon and Plato.

In deciding the actual case of rebirth three principal factors come into play.
First and greatest of all comes the influence of the Law of Evolution. The Deity
wills man’ s advancement and that Will exerts upon him a steady and ceaseless

The second factor which comes into play in deciding where a man should
be born is his own Karma -- the result of his past actions. If uncontrolled the Law
of Evolution would give him the best possible opportunities for development; but
his past lives may not have been such as to deserve those opportunities. For
that reason it may not be possible to give him the most suitable place, so he has
to put up with the second best.

The third factor which influences the rebirth of a man is another variant of
his karma – the links which he has made with other egos in previous lives. All
the minor good and evil that we do goes into a general debit and credit account,
and is worked off impersonally; but if we so affect the life of another as
considerably to help or to hinder his evolution, we form a personal tie with him,
which necessitates another meeting later-- sometimes many other meetings.
Unselfish love is one of the strongest forces in the world, and it draws egos
together again and again, thereby largely modifying for the time the action of the
forces of evolution and of karma

Brihat … Now the Master Jesus
Venus … Now the Master Rogozel(or
Rakovsky),the Hungarian
Adept,’the comte de St Germain
of the eighteenth century.

From other lines of study we have realized the existence of three
factors as determining the place and time of each man's
birth. First, the
force of evolution, which places each man where
he can most readily acquire
the qualities in which he happens to
be deficient; second, the law of karma,
which limits the action of
that first force by allowing the man so much as he
has deserved;
third the law of attraction which brings the man again and
into connection with the other egos with whom he has formed
links of
some kind. We find these laws acting usually in the order
above assigned
them; and that order conveys their relative
importance in the case of the
great mass of humanity.

While it is unquestionably true that the instances of such sudden change
of station as is suggested by the poet, they are comparatively rare and must not
be taken as representing the ordinary course of a line of lives.

There is however another type of higher class egos who do not habitually
take their sub-races in order, but have rather a tendency to return again and
again to one sub-race. They devote themselves principally to evolution through
that sub-race, and make only occasional excursions into others in search of
special qualities. It is found that this type has usually a shorter average interval
between lives -- an average of about seven hundred years instead of a

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