Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ceaseless re-creation ex nihilo the miracle of all time

Ceaseless re-creation ex nihilo the miracle of all time

Reanimation ceaselessly in the creative act "from nothing" is the greatest miracle never mentioned of the creator. The force consists of the creative letters emanating from 5 supernal organs of verbal articulation as is stated .Every creature only appears to have an existence of its own but is absolute naught and of nothing in relation to this activating force animating it.This force is continuous and the true reality of existence.

The Alter Rebbe has explained that the activating force of the Creator must
constantly be vested within creation, ceaselessly recreating and reanimating
created beings ex nihilo. This force consists of the creative “letters” which
emanate from the five supernal organs of verbal articulation.
והנה אחרי
הדברים והאמת האלה
Now, following these words of truth concerning the nature
of creation, namely, that the activating force must continually be vested in
created beings and create them ex nihilo,
כל משכיל על דבר יבין לאשורו איך שכל
נברא ויש הוא באמת נחשב לאין ואפס ממש
every discerning person
understand clearly that every creature and being, even though it appears
to have an existence of its own, is in reality considered to be absolute naught
and nothingness
לגבי כח הפועל ורוח פיו שבנפעל המהוה אותו תמיד ומוציאו מאין
ממש ליש
in relation to the activating force which creates it and the “breath
of His mouth” which is within it, continuously calling it into existence and
bringing it from absolute non-being into being.
Since this function must be
continuous, it follows that the creature’s activating force is the true reality
of its existence; the being itself bears no comparison to the activating force
which is wholly responsible for its existence.

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