Friday, December 4, 2009

How Ayahuasca Works

I.Absolutely unique healing properties contoured to the patient. Illness curable via the spirit realms and the maestras. Doubts and negativity during the healing process.Heave and flow.

II Ayahuasca as cleanser its purgative qualities . Purgation in a multiple of forms.Offending items must be physically spiritually expelled from the body.
III Learning contained in the purging experiences.DNA restructuring. Each showed me something new about the nature of energy, and how it interacts, and is even intrinsic to our life experiences. I was gaining this spirit knowledge on a physical level.
IV I never received visions. The Maestras explained that this was because I had to clear my physical body first. It wasn't important to me anyway. Ayahuasca was doing the infinitely more important job of clearing a terminal illness. Many westerners, when first starting to use ayahuasca, do not get visions, as the more pertinent work of the plant is to clear the ailments derived from living in industrialized, urban, and disconnected environments. QUOTE nOTE THE COMMENT IN THE QUOTE AS TO WHY MANY WESTERNERS DO NOT GET VISIONS . The ailments the sacred plant clears derive from an industrialized and urban setting, the enemy environment to true physical and spiritual health.

V The nature of the visions. In the Western frame, oftentimes the visions are one-dimensionally emphasized over the other aspects of ayahuasca's work. This is to misunderstand, because even with the presence of visions, in most cases, messages, teachings and healings from the medicine are communicated in others ways. These ways are hard to understand from the limited perspective of ordinary reality. But in the "mareacion" [iii] (journey) of ayahuasca, the experiences can be more real than anything experienced in waking life. Journeys come in many shapes and forms. They can be wonderfully ecstatic or painfully challenging. They can be emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, or any combination. Visions may indeed appear, some might be incoherent, others gloriously intricate. What is so special about this medicine is that it works to the particulars of each and every individual, giving them exactly what they need at that given moment in time, but also in line with their desired transformation.

A. The mareacion -more real than the waking life and contoured to the individual need at any given moment of time.

B. Intention and partnership with the higher self.

C. Eventual full realization of purpose . Medicine will go where needed most.

D. Medicine bestows unexpected gifts For me, my body is now a universe that I want to explore, to take care of, and to love. I could never have conceived this was possible before. The beauty with which various aspects of my physical self are being revealed to me makes me revere and respect the medicine more and more with each passing day. And even more magical is the fact that what I considered ugly in my physical form before, I can now see it is a perfect, divine, and even beautiful creation.

How Ayahuasca Works
The way the medicine works is absolutely unique
with each individual. For me, it was very physical, yet also somehow
intertwined with my spirit bodies. This physio-spiritual process became
progressively more profound as my work with the medicine continued. The
evening after my introductory ceremony, a Maestra sang to me and touched my
head; as she did, I felt it opening, and for the first time in my life I
actually felt energy and a lightness moving through it. It was an
astounding experiential realization that the tumor was a very real physical and
energetic obstruction lodged in my head. More doubts peeled away as here
was tangible evidence that the illness was curable, via the spirit realms and
with the help of the Maestras.
The remainder of that workshop had me
sleeping for most of the waking hours. Any time I was awake I was heavy,
headachy and irritable. Doubts, judgments, and negativity arose and fell,
fluctuating as part of the heave and flow of my healing process.
By night,
in ceremony, I was purging, yet alive, happy and intensely feeling the energy of
my illness leaving my body in different ways. Every morning there would be
a mountain of used tissues beside my bed, as I continually expelled
phlegm. I have had chronic phlegm for most of life, and at last here it
was coming out in volumes that astonished me.

Ayahuasca can be viewed as a
cleanser; infiltrating and clearing at every possible level of being, chelating
wherever darkness hides in the body and energy field, and expelling it.
This means the purgative quality of this work is a crucial part of the
process. Whether the cleaning is emotional, physical, mental, or
spiritual, the offending item must be expelled from the body / energy
field. Purging can take many forms; vomiting and diarrhea being the most
obvious, but also profuse sweating, watering eyes, burping, sneezing, yawning,
crying, farting, experiencing coldness, even going through negative emotions;
all are forms of purging.
I purged in a multitude of ways and was
often awestruck by the way things came out and the depth of the places where
they came from, sometimes coming from places and planes of existence I didn't
even know existed.
One night, it felt like liquid metal was pouring
out my skin, and that my hair was drenched in mercury. Another night the tears
from my eyes were so viscose and thick with toxins, they came to a standstill
half way down my face. In the process, I could feel the medicine targeting
different systems or organs in my body on different nights. As it worked
deeper and deeper into my being, I could feel the purges become more energetic
in content. I had nights of vomiting pure energy as it went to work on my
subtle energetic bodies, ridding my field of rigid bodily patterns
. I
could feel meridian lines being washed and channels being polished.
One night later in the process, my whole body was morphing and contorting, I
could feel energetic imprints lifting and my DNA restructuring; it was like my
body was a circuit board that was recalibrating my whole energetic matrix and
physical makeup too.
It was about this time when the last of my doubts
fell away. My physical transformation was so experientially profound and
so starkly visible in my outward appearance as my deformed jaw started to
rectify, my eyes stopped being puffy, and I kind of glowed more, that there was
simply no more room for uncertainty. I sometimes went through difficult
days or nights, but I accepted this as part of the cleaning and so was able to
detach from it and allow it to take it course.
The women would
immediately tune into me if I was going through something difficult and come to
sing to me, or in some way help me ease through it. In any case, there
were tangible improvements every day; in fact, I started to make leaps and
bounds. I don't regard the purging or the vomiting as unpleasant, because
there was so much learning contained in each one of those experiences.
Each purge had its own particular energetic quality and I became very sensitive
to what kind of negativity each represented.
Each showed me something new
about the nature of energy, and how it interacts, and is even intrinsic to our
life experiences. I was gaining this spirit knowledge on a physical
level. Moreover, I was shedding so much unwanted stuff, and I was only
happy to see it go
I never received visions. The Maestras explained
that this was because I had to clear my physical body first. It wasn't
important to me anyway. Ayahuasca was doing the infinitely more important
job of clearing a terminal illness. Many westerners, when first starting
to use ayahuasca, do not get visions, as the more pertinent work of the plant is
to clear the ailments derived from living in industrialized, urban, and
disconnected environments.
In the Western frame, oftentimes the visions
are one-dimensionally emphasized over the other aspects of ayahuasca's
work. This is to misunderstand, because even with the presence of visions,
in most cases, messages, teachings and healings from the medicine are
communicated in others ways. These ways are hard to understand from the
limited perspective of ordinary reality. But in the "mareacion"
[iii] (journey) of ayahuasca, the
experiences can be more real than anything experienced in waking life.
Journeys come in many shapes and forms. They can be wonderfully ecstatic
or painfully challenging. They can be emotional, mental, physical,
spiritual, or any combination. Visions may indeed appear, some might be
incoherent, others gloriously intricate. What is so special about this
medicine is that it works to the particulars of each and every individual,
giving them exactly what they need at that given moment in time
, but also in
line with their desired transformation.
Intention is a vital component
to approaching the sacred medicine. This is not a straightforward tonic
that has prescribed and set effects. Rather, as a sacred spirit medicine,
it works in partnership with the higher self, thus producing unique experiences
and results. With the privilege of free will, we may direct the work of
the medicine in the way we desire most for our lives. A clearly focused
intention will yield far superior results than one where intention is
This is because the medicine is able to respond more efficiently to
clearly defined directions. It must also be understood that, even with a
strong intent in place, the medicine will sometimes go to where it is needed
most, which is, frequently, a subconscious issue. This is usually
something that must be dealt with in order to make way for the intention to be
eventually fully realized.
The medicine also very often gives more
than is asked or expected, bestowing gifts. In my own case, apart from the
physical transformation I have been going through, as per my intention, the
plant is giving me a profound knowledge of my body's inner workings
. I can
actually feel it from the inside now; the ducts and channels, the tendons and
the lymph, the blocks and the free areas, the bits that need extra
attention. I was amazed at how blocked I was with regard to my body
before, how I distained it, and disregarded its needs, mostly unconsciously and
at the behest of a willful mind denying the seriousness of my condition.
For me, my body is now a universe that I want to explore, to take care of, and
to love. I could never have conceived this was possible before. The
beauty with which various aspects of my physical self are being revealed to me
makes me revere and respect the medicine more and more with each passing
day. And even more magical is the fact that what I considered ugly in my
physical form before, I can now see it is a perfect, divine, and even beautiful

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