Sunday, January 10, 2010

Heinz Valentin Hampejs

The goals and defined objectives of shamanistic medicine and therapy are put in the clearest perspective I have yet seen:

  • The proven history of Shamanism is notorious and without doubt

  • Modern medicine is a baby of brief duration, mistaken theses and encompasses the limitations of scientific method and theory and embraces neither the realm of consciousness nor connects to that world where healing is situated.

  • The natural sciences do not encompass the ethics of Shamanistic healing nor its broad truths or common sense, nor dothey have that intention.

  • This quote from the below article says it all : Be­cause the threat of an apocalyptic self-destruction of the whole humanity represents unquestiona­bly – apart from the un­doubtedly also existent blessings of our scientific era – the acquisition of much bigger weight of the natural sci­ences...

  • have forgotten that they are chil­dren of our Mother Earth and that their health and true happiness de­pend indis­pensably on the lived harmony with the created powers of the Nature as well as with the laws of the Great and Al­mighty Creative Spirit that acts in her. Even the public institutions of health of the formal medicine are not very aware that this represents a basic prerequisite for the restoration of the corporal and spiritual health of every one. We have a collective lapse of memory of mother earth and the connected worlds birdged by the sacred power plants.

  • "Sha­manic Ecstasy of Conscious­ness." the mysticism and the connection need reestablishment. This is in process of being accomplished.

  • Shamanic practices knowledge and practices: cure and teaching with Shamanic Medicine, which constitutes a system of knowl­edge and practices focused basi­cally on the medicinal alteration of the therapist's consciousness and perception and – given the case – also of the patient. Medicinal plants is integral to shamanic healing and alters the consciousness of therapist and patient.

  • Awakening of the Dr. within-The main objective of our Seminaries consequently consists of the shared awakening and living experi­ence of this Sha­manic Ecstasy of Conscious­ness", because with it also takes place simultaneously the awakening of our inherent and natural healing potency ("The Doctor Within").

  • For this, we make use of the shamanic methods trans­mitted since immemorial times as a universal strategy of the whole human­ity for the acquisition of personal and col­lective knowl­edge, strength and health. Shamanic methods have been transmitted from time immemoria with collective knowledge being the main conduit over personal knowledge although the both are necessarily interrelated.

  • The South American lineage of Indian Shamanism distinguishes itself mainly of an imposing abundance of very ex­traordinary healing plants. Among them we also find the particu­larly called "Sa­cred Power Plants", as for ex­ample the San Pedro cactus (bo­tanical name: Trichocer­eus Pacchanoi) of the Andean mountains and – among many others – the Ayahuasca vine (botanical name: Ban­iste­riopsis Caapi) of the tropical forests of the Amazon basin. To them we owe the activation and energetic trans­formation of our lucid every day’s con­sciousness and of our accustomed and daily senso­rial percep­tion into the "Sha­manic Ecstasy of Con­scious­ness", which is indis­pensa­ble for the sha­manic cure. Shamanic ecstasy is attained through the sacred power and healing plants.

  • Liberation of vital blocked energy patterns: Because through waking up that latent "Doctor Within" in the deepest (arche­typal or trans­personal) layers of our subcon­sciousness, simul­taneously takes place a rectifying reprogramming of the not well driven vital im­pulses and a liberat­ing transforma­tion of blocked vital en­ergy patterns. The word archetypal is often used in the writings of Jung who wrote in the initial stages of our understanding of archetypes and consciousness,and this was made manifest to our conscious states in the program of attaining to ecstatic consciousness, limited at one time to the gnostic adepts of former ages.
  • Shamanic Christmas, 2004, Venezuela Due to the awakening of our dormant capaci­ties and to the reactivation of our natural, origi­nal and sensitive com­muni­cation and interaction with the energies of Nature and the Creator's Divine Spirit – frequently already lost since a long time, Awakening of our dormant capacities and t necessity of reconnection with Creator's divine spirit is the function of Shamanistic healing resulting in the ecstasy of consciousness alluded to earlier.
  • Disharmonies of health can be treated at their active roots: disease is perceived as disharmonies and non connections to the spiritual worlds in one way or another.
  • dishar­monies of health can be treated at their very active roots (of the subtle energy body). The lack of happi­ness and of the reason of living (in seri­ous depressions or addictive illnesses), inexplicable an­guishes (frequently due to trau­matic experiences in the past of the life), sick features of the personality (as para­noiac or passionate hab­its), equally as disorders of the organic func­tions and degenerative illnesses can be­come healed definitely.
  • Due to the millennial tradition of Sha­manism, where the world of the vision and the faith still represented the un­ques­tionable way for cure, we will also experience, in this inner awakening, the domination of the limiting shack­les of our thoughts and our mental under­standing. Thus, we begin to discover the marvels of an indescribable, mystic and wholesome perception of the reality. Mystic and wholesome perceptions are likened to unshackling the limitations of our thoughts.This unshackling is a part of this referred to "inner awakening".
  • The role of the perennial chatterers and deliberate declaimers who never know of what they speak and create chaos out of context.problematic and contra­dictory topic for a lot of people. In our days, numerous chatterers, pseudo-shamans, businesspersons and writ­ers of sensationalist articles, attracted in certain way like moths by these foot­lights, poison the nectar of the wisdom of the Shamanic Medicine taken care of for millennia.
  • Internal healing and authentic Shamanism are what we are alluding to.
  • Never confuse Shamanic Medicine with the doubtful practices and the black magic of the witchdoctors, sorcerers, oc­cultists, impostors and swindlers, for it, in fact, represents the inher­ited wis­dom of our ancestors of humanity, di­rected toward the ingenious activation of our in­ternal healing potential.
  • For obvious reasons, it is very impossi­ble for the non-professional to be able to separate in this field the straw from the wheat, since there is little wheat (authentic shamans), a lot of straw and still much more non-profession­als with fre­quently adventurous, subjective and speculative views on Shamanism. How­ever, we should not allow becoming vic­tims of the erroneous opinion that there is no wheat, because the field had be­gun to cover entirely with weeds. The old parable of the wheat and the weeds comes to mind at this juncture.
  • For that reason, we are sincerely glad to have found with Dr. Hampejs an au­thentic wisdom holder of Indian Sha­manism. However, I should still advance a thing: Anyone that wants to discover the mys­tic phenomena of the shamanic cure has to be willing, from the very begin­ning, to abandon attitudes of intellectual or scientific arrogance. For the uninitiated participants, these experiences still are strange and unknown at first and it needs an expert leadership, to be able to benefit from them for the sake of healing purposes. Try, with an open heart, to understand yourself as a student that goes learning in a very new way, if you want to reach the access to those secrets of the life, which Sha­manic Medicine can provide. Another statement comes to minjd from the ancient texts,"he who humbles himself shall be exalted, and he who exalts himself shall be abased".
  • Shamanic rituals in the Sacred Mountains of Chivacoa in the State Yaracuy of Venezuela. There we will obtain the attendance and the blessings from the World of the Good Spirits guided by the legendary Indian Queen María Lionza. I will certainly look up these allusions to get a better understanding of these rituals and mountains.
  • per­ceive and use hierarchies of entities or spirits of the elements

Heinz Valentin Hampejs

Heinz Valentin HampejsMD in Neurology and PsychiatryMD in General


POSTAL ADDRESS: Postel Humboldt, Apartado Postal 42, 5101 – Mérida,

MedicineInvestigator and expert in Indian-American ShamanismAuthor of the monograph in charge by the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador:"El Éxtasis Shamánico de la Conciencia - Principio Medular de la Medicina Shamánica"(“The Shamanic Ecstasy of Consciousness – Core Principle of Shamanic Medicine”)Phone : 0058 - (0)274 - 414.55.93 Mobil : 0058 - (0)416 - 470.35.79

MD in General Medicine
MD in Neurology and Psy­chiatry.
Shaman & Investigator of Indian Shamanism
in charge by the Ministry of Health of Ecuador.
By commission of the Health Ministry of Ecua­dor,
Author of the work: "El Éxtasis Shamánico de la Conciencia"
(German version: “Die Schamanische Bewusstseinsekstase”)

Allow me in this new opportunity to fa­miliarize
you with the nature of our Seminars. To tell the truth, the proven his­tory
of Shamanism through the mil­lennia is already notorious.
Archaeo­logical, ethno­logical and anthro­pological
investi­gations verified this without leaving any doubt.

Which – on the other hand – will the duration of the modern sci­entific or formal medicine be, that
comparatively is only a baby of some few centuries, whose brief history
distin­guishes itself by a game of advances and theories more and more
acceler­ated and chancy and ever newer and mod­ern "last" data of the
reality of life?

Certainly, for the sane reason it is easy to understand
that the ancestral wisdom of Shamanic Medicine would not really have to justify
itself before the priority pretensions of this scientific baby, be­cause Shamanic Medicine quali­fies above all by a deep
and true respect for life. The just rational natural sciences cannot demand
easily this ethi­cal qual­ity with­out any
. All those gigan­tic nuclear, chemical,
biological and high tech destruction means that are filling the arsenals of the
militaries more than ever today, do evidence very clearly about what we are
talking here; Be­cause the threat of an apocalyptic
self-destruction of the whole humanity represents unquestiona­bly – apart
from the un­doubtedly also existent blessings of our scientific era – the
acquisition of much bigger weight of the natural sci­ences.
it, unfortunately, men and women, without number in our modern industrial
so­cie­ties, have forgotten that they are
chil­dren of our Mother Earth and that their health and true happiness
de­pend indis­pensably on the lived harmony with the created powers of
the Nature as well as with the laws of the Great and Al­mighty Creative
Spirit that acts in her.
Even the public
institutions of health of the formal medicine are not very aware that this
represents a basic prerequisite for the restoration of the corporal and
spiritual health of every one


In advance, I would like to remind
you of the particular circumstances that should be taken into account at the
cure and teaching with Shamanic Medicine, which constitutes a system of
knowl­edge and practices focused basi­cally on the medicinal alteration
of the therapist's consciousness and perception and – given the case – also of
the patient
. In the specialized anthropological litera­ture, this
modification of the conscious­ness and perception is de­nominated as "Sha­manic Ecstasy of Conscious­ness."

The main objective of our Seminaries consequently
consists of the shared awakening and living experi­ence of this
Sha­manic Ecstasy of Conscious­ness", because with it also takes place
simultaneously the awakening of our inherent and
natural healing potency ("The Doctor Within").

For this, we make use of the
shamanic methods trans­mitted since immemorial times as a universal strategy
of the whole human­ity for the acquisition of personal and col­lective
knowl­edge, strength and health.

The South American
lineage of Indian Shamanism distinguishes itself mainly of an imposing abundance
of very ex­traordinary healing
. Among them we also find the particu­larly called "Sa­cred Power Plants", as for
ex­ample the San Pedro cactus (bo­tanical name: Trichocer­eus
Pacchanoi) of the Andean mountains
and – among
many others – the Ayahuasca
(botanical name: Ban­iste­riopsis Caapi) of the
tropical forests of the Amazon basin. To them we owe the
activation and energetic trans­formation of our lucid every day’s
con­sciousness and of our accustomed and daily senso­rial
percep­tion into the "Sha­manic Ecstasy of
which is indis­pensa­ble for the
sha­manic cure. Because through waking up that
latent "Doctor Within"
in the deepest (arche­typal or
trans­personal) layers of our subcon­sciousness, simul­taneously
takes place a rectifying reprogramming of the not
well driven vital im­pulses and a liberat­ing transforma­tion of
blocked vital en­ergy patterns.


Shamanic Christmas, 2004, VenezuelaDue to the awakening of our
dormant capaci­ties and to the reactivation of our natural, origi­nal
and sensitive com­muni­cation and interaction with the energies of
Nature and the Creator's Divine Spirit – frequently already lost since a long
time, dishar­monies of health can be treated at their very active roots (of
the subtle energy body). The lack of happi­ness and of the reason of living
(in seri­ous depressions or addictive illnesses), inexplicable
an­guishes (frequently due to trau­matic experiences in the past of the
life), sick features of the personality (as para­noiac or passionate
hab­its), equally as disorders of the organic func­tions and
degenerative illnesses can be­come healed definitely.


Due to
the millennial tradition of Sha­manism, where the world of the vision and
the faith still represented the un­ques­tionable way for cure, we will
also experience, in this inner awakening, the domination of the limiting
shack­les of our thoughts and our mental under­standing. Thus, we begin to discover the marvels of an indescribable,
mystic and wholesome perception of the reality.

We are
totally aware that the phenome­non "Shamanism", falling progressively since
already some decades in the foot­lights of the public media, has become a
topic in fashion and precisely for that reason also a problematic and
contra­dictory topic for a lot of people. In our days, numerous chatterers,
pseudo-shamans, businesspersons and writ­ers of sensationalist articles,
attracted in certain way like moths by these foot­lights, poison the nectar
of the wisdom of the Shamanic Medicine taken care of for millennia. Never
confuse Shamanic Medicine with the doubtful practices and the black magic of the
witchdoctors, sorcerers, oc­cultists, impostors and swindlers, for it, in
fact, represents the inher­ited wis­dom of our ancestors of humanity,
di­rected toward the ingenious activation of our in­ternal healing

For obvious reasons, it is very impossi­ble for the
non-professional to be able to separate in this field the straw from the wheat,
since there is little wheat (authentic shamans), a lot of straw and still much
more non-profession­als with fre­quently adventurous, subjective and
speculative views on Shamanism. How­ever, we should not allow becoming
vic­tims of the erroneous opinion that there is no wheat, because the field
had be­gun to cover entirely with weeds. For that reason, we are sincerely
glad to have found with Dr. Hampejs an au­thentic wisdom holder of Indian

However, I should still advance a thing: Anyone that
wants to discover the mys­tic phenomena of the shamanic cure has to be
willing, from the very begin­ning, to abandon attitudes of intellectual or
scientific arrogance. For the uninitiated participants, these experiences still
are strange and unknown at first and it needs an expert leadership, to be able
to benefit from them for the sake of healing purposes. Try, with an open heart,
to understand yourself as a student that goes learning in a very new way, if you
want to reach the access to those secrets of the life, which Sha­manic
Medicine can provide.


VENEZUELA: A blessed Altitude Flight inside

THE BASIS – PROGRAM (15 days): ***

*** However, the definitive,
shamanic, cure of the Endogenous Depression, the Multiple Sclerosis and other
Degenerative illnesses – incurable for the formal western medicine –
indispensably requires a minimum of three weeks. The healing of Drug Addiction
requires a special program of at least four weeks, which we will carry out on a
Place of Power, especially proper to this objective, in the Sacred Mountains of
in the State Yaracuy of Venezuela. There we will obtain the attendance
and the blessings from the World of the Good Spirits guided by the legendary
Indian Queen María Lionza.

Day 1 At your Arrival in Mérida you will be
looked for by us in the airport and taken to a select inn in the surroundings of
Mérida, where clean and comfortable rooms are waiting for you. S

Day 2
Rest and adaptation
For the present we relax of the fatigue of the long
trip. At the same time we have the opportunity to perceive consciously the
vibrations of the nature that surrounds us. In the afternoon we meet to share a
summarized introduction on the principles of action of Shamanic Medicine and the
“Sa­cred Power Plants” of the American tradition. B/S
DAY 3 First

In this day we get ready for our first ritual, fasting on
herb-tea and juices of fruits without sugar. In the appropriate moment we meet
in the place where the ritual will be carried out. There you will be
ex­plained the nature and structure of the ritual and you can also obtain
further explanations you might need. (Fast)

Day 4+5 Rest and hikes
You will need these days to relax and to meditate on your experi­ences
during the ritual. There are also possibili­ties to go for a pleasant walk
through the charming surroundings. B/S
Day 6 Second Ritual (Fast)
7+8 Rest and hikes
Also in these days you can rest, but perhaps you will
decide to visit the Peak Bolivar, the moun­tain of head of Mérida of 5300 m
of height, to which can take you the highest cable car in the world. B/S
9 Third Ritual (Fast) (Fast)

Day 10+11 Rest and hikes
Again, it will
be good for you to rest and to assimilate the experi­ences. B/S
Day 12
Fourth Ritual (Fast)

Day 13+14 Rest, hikes & a final Evaluation –
These two last days are again at your disposal for relaxation,
medita­tion and hikes. Time has ar­rived to also prepare mentally and
practically for your return trip. In a familiar meeting of the whole group with
Dr. Hampejs, you can ask all the questions that could still exist. B/S

15 Return Flight back home B

ANNEXED PROGRAM (8 additional days)

Day 15 Fifth Ritual (Fast)

Day 16+17 Rest and trips B/S

Day 18 Sixth Ritual: "A Shamanic Power Walk"

Our penultimate
ritual is a "Shamanic Walk of Power". The shamans of all the cultures know,
per­ceive and use hierarchies of entities or spirits of the elements of the
nature (such as those of the rain­bow, the mountains, the sources, the
lakes, the trees, plants, crystals, stones and miner­als) as well as places
of power, where these forces or sources of vibrations can be used for the
purification and the cure of men.

Shamanic Power Walk,
this reason, our last ritual takes place in the day. As we carry out this walk
in the mountains of the Andes In the “Shamanic Ecstasy of Con­sciousness”,
the energy harmonies of their healthy nature will take us to­ward a state of
purified and strengthened vitality. We experi­ence psychi­cally and
physically how "negative energies" are removed and left behind and purity,
strength, clarity and vitality are received in exchange. (Fast)

the spirit rises over the body and meets with the totality, there I was pure and
converted into entirely clear energy, – and today I know that it was that
mo­ment, in which I was cured". (Comment from an Austrian participant)

Day 19+20 Rest and trips B/S

Day 21 Seventh (last) Ritual (Fast)

Day 22 Rest and trips B/S

Day 23 Return Flight back home B


On principle, all the
people with serious desires for health or self-realization are cordially
welcome, inclusive chil­dren, supposing that the parents or custody persons
hand us over a declaration of written conformity. Since the attendants must
integrate themselves equally in the healing work, they are also subject to the
participation condi­tions. The Shamanic Medicine facilitates in an almost
incomparable way the cure of most of the incurable ill­nesses for the formal
western medicine and inclusive for most of alternative healing methods. In
function of the graveness and the precedent duration of chronic illnesses (like
for e.g. the Endogenous Depression, the Mul­tiple Sclerosis and other
Degenerative Illnesses), the cure requires at least three weeks. The definitive
cure (and not only transitory detoxification) of Addictive Illnesses requires a
special program of at least four weeks in the Sacred Mountains of Chivacoa, in
the State Yaracuy of Venezuela. For this program we must charge an
addi­tional cost of 150. - US$.

THE COST per person is 1850. - US
dollar for 15 days and 2775. - US dollar for 23 days. Please confirm your
ENROLLMENT with the payment of 20% of the total cost at least eight weeks before
the beginning of the program.
Please, hand over the remaining balance at the
beginning of the course.

The total cost includes The terrestrial
trips in Mérida from and to the airport, the lodging in double rooms (please,
consider extra cost for single rooms – 15 respectively 23 nights) in a
se­lect inn, two meals per day as exposed in the chronogram (B: Strong
Breakfast at 10 in the morning ["Brunch"], S: Supper; Pre­paratory fast in
the days of the rituals - days 03, 06, 09,12, 15, 18, 21); drinkable water, tea
and the medicinal program with rituals, medicines and treatments are
in­cluded in the total cost of participation.

The cost doesn't
include The lodging before and after the program, alcoholic drinks, tips,
acquisitions or personal services and your travel insurance are not included in
the total cost of par­ticipation.


· Your flight finishes in Caracas.

case that your airplane would land in Caracas in the late afternoon, you will
have to spend the night there (for e.g. in the nice hotel Santiago * * * that is
safe, comfortable and economic and only 15 minutes of the air­port), since
the national flights to Mérida will be carried out only until 6 PM. Naturally
you could find a good hotel in Cara­cas by means of the Internet and already
carry out the reservation of a room from now on. Good hotels send a Shuttle Bus
to pick you up at the airport.

Make the reservation for your flight to
Caracas as soon as possible (!), so that it doesn't happen that you can­not
get the trip to the wanted date.

· For security reasons it is likewise
advisable to make the reservation for your flight from Caracas to Mérida by
means of the Internet (e.g. with AVIOR, AVENSA, STA. BÁRBARA or AERO POSTAL –
the lines of na­tional flights), although the tickets can usually also be
bought in the windows of the section for the national flights of the airport
immediately before the take off. However, during the traded days and in the high
season of tourism serious difficulties can take place in this respect. Please
communicate with me from Caracas and indicate me on time the hour of your
landing foreseen in Mérida (Tel.: 0274 - 414.55.93, Mobil: 0416 - 470.35.79), in
order to be able to pick you up from the airport on time, because from my house
I need about 1 ½ - hours to arrive there. We meet in the airport restaurant.

· The Dollars respectively Euros for your small expenses can be changed,
of course, officially in Vene­zuela, but the official exchange rate is not
very favorable (at the moment it is at 2150. - Bolívar for 1. - US $). However,
when arriving in Caracas you immediately will be surrounded by innumerable
unofficial money-changers, who will offer you a much better exchange rate,
located at the moment at about 2450. - Bolívar for 1. - US $ or in about 13%
better than the official exchange rate. For the same reason it is not advisable
to bring traveler checks, because then you will be forced to change to the
official exchange rate. To Venezuela it is necessary to bring the Dollars or
Euros cash!

Vaccines are not needed for Venezuela.

· The
Seminars take place all the year round. In order to be able to make the
reservations for a conven­ient accommodation in the surroundings of Mérida
in time, the remittance of 20 percent of the seminar dues (370. - U.S. $ for 15
days, 555. - U.S. $ for 23 days) must arrive at least 6 weeks before, in the
high tourist season (May, July, August and for Christmas) however at least eight
weeks be­fore the beginning of the seminar. For that there are two
remittance possibilities:

1. with DHL (Western Union)
2. as bank

In principle, I recommend you to perform the remittance of
your enrolment fee for Mérida / Venezuela with DHL (Western Union), since this
is the quickest and surest way for it. Bank remittances to Venezuela
unfor­tunately can take up to four weeks. Below, I inform you nevertheless
also of my bank connection data. Please send me then immediately the
confirmation of your order for remittance per e-mail:


My bank data are:
Saving Account
Nr. 0105 - 0674 - 350674 - 09392 - 5
To name of Dr. Heinz Hampejs
Oficina Glorias Patrias 9836,
Av. 3 y Calle 31 Junín,

to bring along We recommend light shirts of short and long sleeves, long and
short light pants (no jeans), comfort­able shoes, sandals, your
bathing-dress, hat or cap, raincoat, umbrella, sun glasses, flash-light, insect
repellent, sun protection cream, binocu­lars, a camera with flash, tape
recorder, light backpack.

Cancellations In cases of cancellations up to
30 days before the beginning of the established semi­nar we reimburse the
total of the anticipation made.

Suggestions In the trips we can always
have accidental risks, particularly in the countries of the so-called third
world. For that reason we recommend you to conclude travel in­surance.


POSTAL ADDRESS: Postel Humboldt,
Apartado Postal 42, 5101 – Mérida,
TEL: +58 - (0) 274 -
CELULAR: +58 - (0) 416 - 470.35.79
E-mail: <>

Web: <

Dr. Hampejs is a Medical man in General Medicine, specialized in Neurology and Psychiatry and devoted as officially recognized Shamán since more than 25 years to the investigation, the practice and the teaching of the North and South American Shamanism. In 1991, with the writing of the scientific monograph "El Éxtasis Shamánico de la Con­ciencia" (German version: Die Schamanische Bewusstseinsekstase”), the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador also granted him the official recognition as expert for Latin American Shamanism. The author offers the German version of his book gladly for free, since his investigations display the essential, scientifically irrefutable arguments for the revalua­tion and the recognition of the efficiency of the shamanic cure that could contribute an unexpected enrichment – and from already a long necessary time ago – to the orthodox methods of the modern formal medicine. Please direct your orders to my E-Mail Address:
<> &
(The complete Castilian version can be acquired in the editorial and bookstore ABYA - YALA
In QUITO / ECUADOR, Av. 12 de octubre 14-30 y Wilson, TEL. (005932) – 562.633; PO-BOX: 17-12 719.)
E-Mail: <>

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