Thursday, July 25, 2013

hashkivenu prayer
HASHKIVENU (Heb. הַשְׁכִּיבֵנוּ; "cause us to lie down"), initial word of the second benediction after the *Shema of the daily evening prayer. This prayer for protection during the night is mentioned in the Talmud (Ber. 4b) and is considered as an extension of the *Ge'ullah benediction which precedes it. There are two versions of this prayer, the Sephardi liturgy employing a shorter version for Friday evenings in view of the discouragement of supplication on the Sabbath (TJ, Ber. 4:5, 8c; also I. Davidson et al. (eds.), Siddur Rav Sa'adyah Ga'on (1941), 27 and iii). The prayer closes on weekdays with the benediction: "Blessed art thou, O Lord, who guardest thy people Israel for ever" (which uses the Babylonian text), whereas on Friday evening it ends: "Blessed art thou, O Lord, who spreadest the tabernacle of peace over us, over Israel and over Jerusalem" (which was the Palestinian text). The Midrash to Ps. 6:1 attributes the inclusion of the prayer in the evening service to the fact that the ẓiẓit, which perform a protective function, are not worn during the night.


Elbogen, Gottesdienst, 99–109.

HashkiveinuFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search This article is about the prayer during Maariv. For Leonard Bernstein composition, see Hashkiveinu (composition).

Hashkiveinu is the second blessing following the Shema during Maariv. It is a petitionary prayer to be able to lie down in peace at night and to return to life the following day.[1]

Shabbat/Yom Tov version[edit]On weekdays, this prayer ends with the words Shomer Amo Yisrael L'Ad. This is seen as appropriate for weekdays, when men go in and out in their weekday pursuits, and come in need of divine protection.[2]

On Shabbat and Yom Tov, a longer version of this blessing is recited. The blessing is ended with the words Who spreads the shelter of peace upon us, upon all of his people Israel, and upon Jerusalem. The words And spread over us the shelter of Your peace that are normally recited earlier in the paragraph are repeated prior to the closing. This is a reflection of the peace that comes along with these special days,[3] and that putting Jerusalem above everything else is important.
Jewish prayer

List of Jewish prayers and blessings

Shacharit Preparation ­Birkot hashachar ·­Akeida ·­Offerings

Pesukei dezimra ­Mizmor Shir (Psalm 30) ·­Barukh she'amar ·­Songs of thanksgiving (Hodu ·­Psalm 100) ·­Yehi kevod ·­Hallel (Ashrei ·­Psalms 146 ·­147 ·­148 ·­149 ·­150) ·­Baruch Adonai L'Olam (Shacharit) ·­Vayivarech David ·­Atah Hu Adonai L'Vadecha ·­Az Yashir ·­Yishtabach

Core prayers ­Barechu ·­Yotzer ohr ·­Ahava rabbah ·­Shema ·­Emet Vayatziv ·­Amidah ·­Kedushah

Conclusion ­Tachanun ·­Torah reading1, 2, 3 ·­Ashrei ·­Psalm 20 ·­Uva letzion ·­Aleinu ·­Shir shel yom ·­Kaddish ·­Ein Keloheinu4

Mincha ­Ashrei ·­Torah reading1, 5 ·­Amidah ·­Kedushah ·­Tachanun ·­Aleinu ·­Kaddish

Maariv ­Barechu ·­Maariv Aravim ·­Ahavat Olam ·­Shema ·­Emet V'Emunah ·­Hashkiveinu ·­Baruch Adonai L'Olam ·­Half Kaddish ·­Amidah ·­Full Kaddish ·­Aleinu ·­Mourner's Kaddish

Shabbat / Holiday additions ­Extended Pesukei dezimra (Psalms 19 ·­34 ·­90 ·­91 ·­135 ·­136 ·­33 ·­92 ·­93) ·­Nishmat ·­Shochen Ad ·­Hallel ·­Torah reading ·­Yom Tov Torah readings ·­Haftarah ·­Av HaRachamim ·­Mussaf ·­Birkat Cohanim6 ·­Anim Zemirot ·­Tzidkatcha ·­Al HaNissim

Seasonal additions ­Psalm 27 ·­Avinu Malkeinu ·­Selichot

Other prayers ­Amen ·­Modeh Ani ·­Ma Tovu ·­Adon Olam ·­Yigdal ·­Al Netilat Yadayim ·­Asher Yatzar ·­Birkat HaMazon ·­Havdalah ·­Kiddush Levana ·­Tefilat HaDerech ·­Birkat Hachama

Encyclopedia of Judaism: HashkivenuTop Home > Library > Religion & Spirituality > Encyclopedia of Judaism

("Cause us to lie down [in peace]"). Opening word of the second benediction after the Shema in the daily Evening Service. According to the Talmud (Ber. 4b), it serves to extend the preceding Redemption prayer, Emet Ve-Emunah. However, whereas the previous blessing concentrates on the past and future salvation of Israel, Hashkivenu emphasizes man's helplessness (particularly while asleep) and begs for Divine protection to ward off physical or spiritual danger. Two versions of Hashkivenu found a place in the liturgy: a Babylonian text that concludes with the benediction "Who guards His people Israel forever," and a slightly longer Palestinian formula concluding "Who spreads the shelter of peace over us, over all His people Israel, and over Jerusalem" (TJ Ber. 4:5). Since geonic times, the first has been recited on weekdays and the second on Sabbaths and festivals. Minor differences in both the text and the word order have emerged in the various rites. There are several musical settings of Hashkivenu; the outstanding example is Louis Lewandowski's Ve-Hagen ba'adenu ("Be our shield"), a 19th-century composition for cantor and choir.


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