Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ascended Masters Blavatsky Theosophy

The stories of the epochs of the masters attaining enlightenment and ascension are fairly well known. They may well be the guardians of many of us unbeknownst to us who raise us to a higher level of awareness and we evolve in a series of stages and have done so through out history through ibbur ha gilgulim (see my previous posts on this subject written of in the writings of Helena Blavatsky, Isaac Luria Ashkenazi through his scribe Chaim Vital ,similar to what the Theosophists call reincarnation and this was written of by Edgar Cayce as well.

These masters serve mankind as they undergo transformation and are often unrecognizable from what they formerly appeared on the earth plane. Jesus was not recognized at first in his post resurrection state at first. Note Luke 22 and The Road to Emmaus scenario. He then revealed Himself to his followers at a later time.
They are likened to the Bodhissatvas of Buddhism, the Catholic Saints such as Francis.

Edward Bulwer Lytton in THE COMING RACE posited the existence of nine unknown men

One definition of an ascended master is an individual who has undergone the
process of ascension. Throughout history, there have been stories of these
individuals who have reached a higher state of spiritual awareness and placed
themselves in service to humanity. One concept of an ascended master derives
from the teachings of Theosophy.
In Theosophy, and various descendants and
offshoots of theosophy, ascended masters are a group of spiritually enlightened
beings, once mere mortals, who have undergone a process of spiritual
According to these teachings, they remain attentive to the
spiritual needs of humanity, and act as superintendents of its spiritual growth.
In this, they can be compared to the Great White Brotherhood or Secret Chiefs
who are posited by various magical organizations; and more remotely, to the
bodhisattvas of Buddhism, or the saints of Catholic and Orthodox Christianity.
The term may actually have originated with Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who in his
satirical book The Coming Race posited the existence of "Nine Unknown Men" who
secretly run things in the world.

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